Aquileia - Tour Itinerary







Aquileia - Percorso di visita


2114 meters


Infopoint di Turismo FVG

The tour can take place at any time of the year. The visit begins at the Turismo FVG Infopoint located near the car park/bus terminal in Via Iulia Augusta (Photograph 1). In the car park, there are five parking spaces reserved for people with disability, asphalt paving, regular and homogeneous (Photograph 2). There is also a public sanitary facility for people with disability in the car park, which is closed during the winter season (Photographs 3 and 4).

The path is on a concrete pavement and then porphyry, until it reaches the pedestrian crossing leading to the Infopoint. The pavement is connected to the roadway, with white stripes on a red surface, and is equipped with tactile foot warning markers on one side only (Photograph 5).

The route continues on Via Julia Augusta, in the direction of the Candia Mausoleum on the right-hand pavement, made of porphyry with a regular and homogeneous surface with a width of 1.85 metres, as the left-hand pavement has narrowings that make it difficult to walk. On this pavement, there are ramps at the driveways with a 14% gradient (Photograph 6). In front of the Mausoleum, there are information panels that are difficult to reach due to the presence of the surrounding turf, which has no pathways (Photograph 7). The route continues by turning right along Viale Stazione, proceeding along the pavement on the right-hand side of the road, with similar characteristics to the one previously described but 1 metre wide (Photograph 8).

Once the porphyry pavement has been completed, the last section of the path has to follow the roadway in an unsafe condition (Photograph 9).

Photo 1 - Parking/bus terminal at Via Iulia Augusta

Photo 1 - Parking/bus terminal at Via Iulia Augusta

Photo 2 - Stalls for people with disabilities

Photo 2 - Stalls for people with disabilities

Photo 3 - Public toilet

Photo 3 - Public toilet

Photo 4 - Public toilet

Photo 4 - Public toilet

Photo 5 - Pedestrian crossing in front of the tourist office

Photo 5 - Pedestrian crossing in front of the tourist office

Photo 6 - Route along the right-hand pavement

Photo 6 - Route along the right-hand pavement

Photo 7 - Candia Mausoleum

Photo 7 - Candia Mausoleum

Photo 8 - Route on Viale Stazione

Photo 8 - Route on Viale Stazione

Photo 9 - Route on roadway

Photo 9 - Route on roadway

Beyond the Aquileia Mater totems (Photograph 10), the area is closed to vehicular traffic and only accessible to pedestrians and bicycles (Photograph 11). The route continues by turning left along the cycle track, with a regular asphalt surface, to reach the Roman Forum. Access to the Forum takes place on a sloping stretch of beaten gravel to reach the entrance gate (Photograph 12). There is a partly ruined information panel featuring a white background and black lettering (Photograph 13). The Forum can be visited from an elevated position with paths in earth and beaten gravel (Photograph 14).

Continuing the route towards Via Julia Augusta (Photograph 15) and crossing the street, it is possible to reach the Decumanus.  Continue along the 1.25-metre wide porphyry pavement to the pedestrian path, with white stripes and a partially uneven asphalt surface (Photograph 16). Access is provided for an initial section by a metal footbridge that stops with five steps at the descent to the Decumanus (Photographs 17 and 18).

To reach the river port it is necessary to return to the cycle path and then turn onto Via Gemina.

Photo 10 - Route with information totems

Photo 10 - Route with information totems

Photo 11 - Route along the bike path

Photo 11 - Route along the bike path

Photo 12 - Porto Fluviale Entrance

Photo 12 - Porto Fluviale Entrance

Photo 13 - Information panel

Photo 13 - Information panel

Photo 14 - Porto Fluviale

Photo 14 - Porto Fluviale

Photo 15 - Route on beaten gravel

Photo 15 - Route on beaten gravel

Photo 16 - Crossing at the Decumanus

Photo 16 - Crossing at the Decumanus

Photo 17 - Decumanus walkway end view

Photo 17 - Decumanus walkway end view

Photo 18 - Asphalt pathway

Photo 18 - Asphalt pathway

Via Gemina has a porphyry pavement which is reduced in size in places due to the installation of light poles, but still leaves a minimum clearance width of 90 centimetres (Photograph 19). Some short ramps are present to allow access to the driveways. The paving in the last section becomes stone and then porphyry again, with the presence of benches at the entrance to the Porto Fluviale port area (Photograph 20). In front of the entrance, there are five parking spaces reserved for people with disability (Photograph 21). The entrance to the Port is very well interconnected with the pavement around it. The access opening is 290 centimetres in width and the bottom consists of shallow gravel, the material of which the entire subsequent section of the Via Sacra is composed (Photograph 22). Atong the route, there are information panels of good legibility, white background and black lettering (Photograph 23). The area is partially protected by wooden fences (Photograph 24).

Photo 19 - Via Gemina

Photo 19 - Via Gemina

Photo 20 - Area in front of the entrance with benches

Photo 20 - Area in front of the entrance with benches

Photo 21 - Stalls at the entrance

Photo 21 - Stalls at the entrance

Photo 22 - Stalls at the entrance

Photo 22 - Stalls at the entrance

Photo 23 - Information panels

Photo 23 - Information panels

Photo 24 - Fences along the itinerary

Photo 24 - Fences along the itinerary

The route then leaves Via Sacra (Photograph 25), turning right and crossing the cycle track, riding along a gravel-bottomed section (Photograph 26) to reach the Fondo Cossare Roman buildings and the Tito Macro Domus (Photographs 27 and 28). There are some slight inclines and uneven ground here. In the direction of the Patriarchal Basilica complex, continue along the grassy ground and gravel path, which can become deep in places (Photograph 29).

Photo 25 - Via Sacra

Photo 25 - Via Sacra

Photo 26 - Turn on the bike path

Photo 26 - Turn on the bike path

Photo 27 - Entrance to the area

Photo 27 - Entrance to the area

Photo 28 - Domus Tito Macro

Photo 28 - Domus Tito Macro

Photo 29 - Gravel path in deep sections

Photo 29 - Gravel path in deep sections

The paving around Piazza Capitolo is connected with a threshold gap measuring 4 centimetres (Photograph 30). There are protruding manholes and uneven stone paving with joints greater than 1 centimetre (Photograph 31). At Piazza Capitolo there is a parking space reserved for people with disability. The ramp leading to the square, where the Santa Maria Assunta Basilica is located, has a 10% gradient (Photograph 32). The paving is also made of stone with the presence of significant joints that may create difficulties for people with mobility disabilities.

Photo 30 - Route to Piazza Capitolo

Photo 30 - Route to Piazza Capitolo

Photo 31 - Pathway in Piazza Capitolo made of uneven stone

Photo 31 - Pathway in Piazza Capitolo made of uneven stone

Photo 32 - Ramp in Piazza Capitolo

Photo 32 - Ramp in Piazza Capitolo

From Piazza Capitolo continue towards Via Patriarca Popone in the direction of Via Julia Augusta (Photograph 33). At the beginning of Via Patriarca Popone, there is a parking space for people with disability. The route continues along the street with porphyry pavements on both sides, regular and homogeneous, which are very wide (Photograph 34). The route proceeds by turning right onto Via Julia Augusta (Photograph 35), with regular and homogeneous porphyry pavement, and then it returns to the starting point.

Photo 33 - Via Patriarca Popone

Photo 33 - Via Patriarca Popone

Photo 34 - Route along the right kerbside

Photo 34 - Route along the right kerbside

Photo 35 - Route on via Julia Augusta

Photo 35 - Route on via Julia Augusta