Marano Lagunare - Tour itinerary

Marano Lagunare






Marano Lagunare - Tour Itinerary


1000 meters


Piazza Case Operaie car park

The tour can take place at any time of the year.

Departure from the car park in Piazza Case Operaie (Photograph 1). There is parking for around twenty vehicles, including a parking space reserved for people with disability. Even, uniform surface, made of porphyry. The pavement (Photograph 2), on one side of the square and then across the full width, is made of natural stone slabs and is broad in width. On the opposite side of the square, there is a tree line. From Piazza Case Operaie, it is also possible to reach Via delle Mura, paved in stone, with a uniform surface leading towards the area of the Town Hall and the Archaeological Museum of the Lagoon (Photograph 3).

Photo 1 - Piazza Case Operaie parking

Photo 1 - Piazza Case Operaie parking

Photo 2 - square pavement

Photo 2 - square pavement

Photo 3 - Route to via delle Mura

Photo 3 - Route to via delle Mura

From the car park in Piazza Case Operaie continue along Via Giovanni Pascoli (a pedestrian area), the road is narrow and paved with porphyry (Photograph 4). Shortly afterwards there is a car park (behind the Church dedicated to Saint Martin) for about ten vehicles and a parking space reserved for people with disability (Photograph 5).

Photo 4 - via Giovanni Pascoli

Photo 4 - via Giovanni Pascoli

Photo 5 - Parking behind the church of San Martino

Photo 5 - Parking behind the church of San Martino

Past the car park, the itinerary continues along Via Giovanni Pascoli and the paving continues as follows: porphyry main road and natural stone pavements in width (Photograph 6). The pavements are level with the road and are bordered by steel posts. The itinerary is level as far as Piazza Savorgnan where there is a car park (Photograph 7) which includes a parking space reserved for people with disability. To reach Piazza Loredan (Photographs 8 and 9), it is also possible to continue along the street parallel to Via Giovanni Pascoli, which is also a level pedestrian area and paved completely with slabs of piasentina stone, with a regular and uniform surface (Photograph 10).

Photo 6 - itinerary on porphyry

Photo 6 - itinerary on porphyry

Photo 7 - Route to Piazza Savorgnan

Photo 7 - Route to Piazza Savorgnan

Photo 8 - Piazza Loredan

Photo 8 - Piazza Loredan

Photo 9 - Piazza Loredan

Photo 9 - Piazza Loredan

Photo 10 - stone itinerary

Photo 10 - stone itinerary

To continue the assigned itinerary, from Via Giovanni Pascoli it is necessary to cross a drain with 2.5 centimetres holes and continue for a short distance along Via Venezia (Photographs 11-12).

Photo 11 - storm drain on the route

Photo 11 - storm drain on the route

Photo 12 - Route along via Venezia

Photo 12 - Route along via Venezia

After crossing Via Venezia, visitors arrive at Piazza dello Squero, a square mainly intended for parking on asphalt (Photograph 13). The itinerary involves crossing the bridge and then from the end of the pavement it is necessary to continue for a short distance along the road and take, on the left, the 10-metre-long paved ramp with an average slope of 8.5 per cent uphill (Photograph 14). This slope, combined with the length of the ramp, makes it difficult for wheelchair users to be able to use it independently (Photograph 15).

Photo 13 - Parking in Piazza dello Squero

Photo 13 - Parking in Piazza dello Squero

Photo 14 - view of the bridge ramp

Photo 14 - view of the bridge ramp

Photo 15 - bridge crossing

Photo 15 - bridge crossing

Then the bridge walkway is paved with wooden planks, the planks are arranged parallel to the direction of travel; the itinerary is separated from the asphalt road by a guardrail and is level. The bridge walkway (Photograph 16), which is 1.00 metre in width, has a somewhat uneven pavement due to the wooden planking with 1-centimetre joints. A paved downhill ramp is located beyond the flat bridge itinerary (Photograph 17). Then there is a wooden footbridge (boat jetty) that runs alongside the canal and continues along the paved itinerary, always protected by guardrails to the right of the jetty. The jetty (no protection against falling into the sea) has wooden boards arranged perpendicularly to the direction of travel and gaps of approximately 1 centimetre between one board and the next, so it is advisable to continue the itinerary on a parallel protected paved itinerary. Between the protected asphalt itinerary and the jetty is a wide concrete kerb with rounded corners. Visually, the boundary of the jetty is clearly defined from the kerb (Photograph 18).

Photo 16 - wooden flooring

Photo 16 - wooden flooring

Photo 17 - asphalt paving

Photo 17 - asphalt paving

Photo 18 - separating kerb from jetty

Photo 18 - separating kerb from jetty

Towards the end of the road, the wooden footbridge stops and the guardrail protecting the footpath also comes to an end (Photograph 19). The paved pedestrian path, which is now marked with white stripes on the ground, first becomes narrower and then wider near the entrance, on the opposite side, of the Valle Canal Novo Regional Nature Reserve (Photograph 20). This is where the wooden boardwalk also starts again. The pedestrian path, or rather the area of the roadway in Via delle Valli, is marked with white stripes on the ground and undergoes considerable changes in width due to the presence of obstacles and parking spaces. The boardwalk in this section is physically separated from the roadway by a reinforced concrete wall (Photograph 10). 

Photo 19 - guard-rail interruption

Photo 19 - guard-rail interruption

Photo 20 - Valle Canal Novo Regional Nature Reserve

Photo 20 - Valle Canal Novo Regional Nature Reserve

Photo 21 - route along the jetty

Photo 21 - route along the jetty

The Regional Nature Reserve of the Canal Novo Valley (Photograph 22) consists of a former fishing valley and some agricultural land covering approximately 121 hectares and features several buildings constructed in the traditional style of local “Casoni” (huts) with functions of services, refreshment, didactics and an observatory (Photograph 23). In addition to the ticket office, there is an educational lodge, aquarium, panoramic observatory, guest quarters, observatory (not accessible to wheelchair users) and a prehistoric area. Atmost all of the Reserve, albeit with some difficulties due to the sometimes uneven terrain, is accessible to people with disability. In the “casone“, where the ticket office and the Oasis restaurant are located, there is a toilet accessible to people with disability. The itineraries inside the park have variable widths and are paved with a mixture of washed gravel, gravel or packed earth and wooden boards. The signage inside the park consists of large wooden structures with black lettering on a white surface, indicating the main elements of interest (including bird life) and complete with maps, pictures and illustrations, with good legibility (Photograph 24).

Photo 22 -itineraries inside the park

Photo 22 -itineraries inside the park



Photo 24 - signage inside the park

Photo 24 - signage inside the park

The itinerary continues along Via delle Valli (Photograph 25), with no pavement on either side, the route continues along the main road to the junction with Via Saline. Via Saline has a pavement on the right side (Photograph 26), a regular surface in concrete modules, raised above the road level by 12 centimetres. To continue the itinerary on the pavement, it is necessary to step onto the pavement at the first driveway access after the crossroads, at street number 17. The pavement has some narrowing due to the presence of the entrance steps to the houses. At the crossroads with Via Toniolo, however, there is no lowering that would allow a pedestrian crossing, and even continuing along this street there is no lowering located for the junction, and the only way down is to overcome the height difference that measures 12 centimetres. The itinerary continues along Via Saline (Photograph 27). Since it is not possible to continue along the pavement on the right, the only valid way is to continue along the road, on asphalt until reaching the uphill ramp that crosses the bridge and descends towards Vecchia Pescheria (Photograph 28). 

Photo 25 - Route on via delle Valli

Photo 25 - Route on via delle Valli

Photo 26 - Route on via Saline with sidewalk on right side

Photo 26 - Route on via Saline with sidewalk on right side

Photo 27 - Route on via Saline toward the bridge

Photo 27 - Route on via Saline toward the bridge

Photo 28 - route to the bridge

Photo 28 - route to the bridge

The bridge is equipped with connecting ramps to the roadway, LOGES markers and brown recycled plastic slats with a 5% slope (Photographs 29-30). Arriving at the Vecchia Pescheria (Old Fish Market), a large stone-paved square with a regular, uniform surface is located on the level (Photograph 31). At the end of the ramp descent, there is a parking space for people with disability.

Photo 29 - view of the bridge

Photo 29 - view of the bridge

Photo 30 - itinerary along the bridge

Photo 30 - itinerary along the bridge

Photo 31 - Vecchia Pescheria

Photo 31 - Vecchia Pescheria

Walk down the ramp on the right-hand side to reach the square in front of the old fish market (Photograph 32) or cross the street - Via Roma - on white paved strips (Photograph 33), on an even surface, and continue the itinerary along the pedestrian zone, Via Porto del Friuli (Photograph 34). From the ramp on the right side of the bridge, on the other hand, it is necessary to descend onto the road and continue until reaching the pedestrian area. For each point of interest, there is an information board with a pink-beige background and black lettering with the main historical information, complete with photographs and translated into English and German. The typeface is small but legibility is good.

Photo 32 - Entrance of Vecchia Pescheria

Photo 32 - Entrance of Vecchia Pescheria

Photo 33 - Pedestrian crossing on via Roma

Photo 33 - Pedestrian crossing on via Roma

Photo 34 - Via Porto del Friuli

Photo 34 - Via Porto del Friuli

Via Porto del Friuli (Photograph 35) represents the southern end of Marano's main pedestrian area: it is paved with porphyry cubes, in width, on a level, regular and smooth surface. Atong the sides are pavements made of light-coloured Aurisina-type stone blocks, at the same level as the road. Continue on to Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II and Piazza Provveditori, paved in stone slabs and with a regular and smooth surface except for a few irregularities due to the flaking of the stone slabs (Photograph 36). Here visitors can also admire Torre Millenaria (inaccessible due to the access staircase), the Contareno Well, the Banner Stand and the Ancient Guardhouse. The route continues northwards, remaining always wide, on a level, even surface in porphyry cubes with bands of light-coloured stone on the sides (Photograph 37), and it ends at the junction of Via Udine and Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, on asphalt, at the Town Hall and the Archaeological Museum of the Lagoon. Behind the museum, in Piazza Guidobaldo d'Urbino, there is a car park with a parking space reserved for people with disability. From the pedestrian zone by crossing the road to the north - via Garibaldi - where there are white stripes on asphalt, reach the Town Hall area (Photograph 38), while turning right, continue straight along the Museum building and then cross via Udine, to return to the starting point.

Photo 35 - Route along via Porto del Friuli toward Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II

Photo 35 - Route along via Porto del Friuli toward Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II

Photo 36 - Piazza Provveditori

Photo 36 - Piazza Provveditori

Photo 37 - the route continues northwards

Photo 37 - the route continues northwards

Photo 38 - Parking in front of city hall

Photo 38 - Parking in front of city hall