Carta Europea della Disabilità - Disability Card

The European Disability Card is a card-format document that allows people with disabilities to access goods and services, public or private, for free or at reduced rates.

The European Disability Card is part of the European project “EU Disability Card” which aims at the mutual recognition of disability status among participating countries.

The European Disability Card effectively replaces paper certificates and reports attesting to the condition of disability.

So, to certify your disability status, following recognition and verification by the competent commissions, it will be sufficient to present the European Disability Card and allow the operator to read the related QR Code using a smartphone equipped with a camera and internet connection.

Prototype of the Card


Where to use it

The European Disability Card which can only be used by the holder and cannot be transferred to third parties, will allow to certify one's disability status at all public offices, effectively replacing paper certificates and reports.

The European Disability Card also provides free access or at reduced rates when already available to the following places:

• State museums throughout the national territory

• Places of culture and beyond in the EU countries participating in the project (consult national institutional websites) It is hoped that the entry into force of the European Disability Card and its dissemination at the European level can encourage access to all benefits of goods and services also through specific memoranda of understanding or agreements between the Office for Policies in favor of people with disabilities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and public and private entities.

All subjects, public, private, and state administrations that detect improper use of the card will immediately report it to the INPS, which will take the necessary measures.


In the context of its activities and services provided, PromoTurismoFVG grants the following benefits to holders of the European Disability Card:

a) 50% discount for the cardholder and for an accompanying person if provided by the card on the types of tickets listed below compared to the price in the different seasons (High winter season - Low winter season - Winter season presale - Summer season) and in the respective age categories provided by the current price list.

- seasonal winter skipass CARTAneve

- Winter daily skipass

- single and round-trip pedestrian rates

b) free guided tours organized by PromoTurismoFVG for the cardholder and for the companion, if provided by the card or an equivalent document

c) 20% discount for the cardholder and for an accompanying person if provided by the card on the FVGcard (the tourist pass to discover the Friuli Venezia Giulia region )