Tavagnacco - FVG in motion 10 thousand steps of health







Tavagnacco - FVG in motion 10 thousand steps of health


4000 meters


Via Griis

The path begins on a paved road, via Griis, where the sign with the itinerary indications is located (Photo 1); it is an isolated stretch, in a rural context and the houses are far away.

Contrary to what is reported in the official description, there are no parking spaces nearby (Photo 2).

The initial paved stretch, open to vehicular traffic (Photo 3), is adjacent to the structure of the A23 Motorway.

200 meters further on, having left the motorway infrastructure behind, you pass by the church of the Blessed Virgin of Graces of Griis.

100 meters after the church of the Blessed Virgin of Graces of Griis, there is a slightly uneven dirt stretch, about 10 m long, leading to the cycle-pedestrian bridge over the Cormor River (Photo 4).

After crossing the concrete bridge, 130 cm wide and about 25 meters long (at km 0.320 from the start), you take the left towards the Ippovia del Cormor, indicated by a specific explanatory sign (Photo 5). In this passage, however, the indicator signs for the 10,000 steps path are placed in an ambiguous position.

Photo 1 - Information sign

Photo 1 - Information sign

Photo 2 - Via Griis, road with asphalt surface

Photo 2 - Via Griis, road with asphalt surface

Photo 3 - Asphalt road adjacent to the A23 motorway structure

Photo 3 - Asphalt road adjacent to the A23 motorway structure

Photo 4 - Slightly uneven dirt section leading to the bridge over the Cormor river

Photo 4 - Slightly uneven dirt section leading to the bridge over the Cormor river

Photo 5 - Cormor horse riding path, indicated by explanatory sign

Photo 5 - Cormor horse riding path, indicated by explanatory sign

At km 0.500 from the start, the Horse Trail passes under the A23 motorway structure (Photo 6); this section is characterized by a dirt surface, at times muddy, with possible formation of puddles in case of rain (Photo 7). Along the left side of the Horse Trail flows the Cormor; there are numerous trees and shrubs on the embankment.

After about 1 km from the start, a secondary watercourse with wooden protective railings is crossed (Photo 8). Nearby there is a rest area with a wooden bench.

At about km 1.100, it is possible to turn right towards the Tavagnacco Cemetery. At this point, there is a fountain, which at the time of the survey was not functioning (Photo 9). There is also a sign indicating the route and an explanatory board. The path that ascends uphill (Photo 10), about 100 m long, with a slope of 10 to 20 degrees and a surface similar to the dirt track leads to a shaded rest area.

Photo 6 - Path that passes under the A23 motorway structure

Photo 6 - Path that passes under the A23 motorway structure

Photo 7 - Path with a dirt surface, muddy in places

Photo 7 - Path with a dirt surface, muddy in places

Photo 8 - Passage over a watercourse with wooden railings

Photo 8 - Passage over a watercourse with wooden railings

Photo 9 - Information sign and fountain

Photo 9 - Information sign and fountain

Photo 10 - Dirt path with a slope of 10 to 20 degrees

Photo 10 - Dirt path with a slope of 10 to 20 degrees

Continuing along the path heading north, under characteristic hazel arches, you are accompanied by the Cormor stream; in this section, the guided path for visually impaired individuals intersects, bordered on the side facing the stream by a railing with a handrail and a wooden wheel track (Photo 11). On the bank, there are tall trees (poplars, maples, robinias, oaks, elderberries) and shrubs (hazels).

In the section prepared for visually impaired individuals, there is a path indicator sign that, due to its installation position, could pose a danger to the user (Photo 12 and 13). Along this path, which connects with the 10,000 steps path and runs alongside it, six metal plates indicate as many display boards that illustrate the characteristics of the area through texts in Italian, in braille, and in tactile objects (Photo 14).

The section is a fairly compact and homogeneous dirt road; some points may present mud, which does not hinder the passage of people (Photo 15). The width of the road is about 2.5/3 meters.

Photo 11 - Start of the guided path for visually impaired

Photo 11 - Start of the guided path for visually impaired

Photo 12 - Guided path for visually impaired

Photo 12 - Guided path for visually impaired

Photo 13 - Indicator sign of the path

Photo 13 - Indicator sign of the path

Photo 14 - Guided path for visually impaired

Photo 14 - Guided path for visually impaired

Photo 15 - Section with compact and homogeneous dirt road

Photo 15 - Section with compact and homogeneous dirt road

At km 1.250 from the start, on the right side of the path there is a bench; on the opposite side there is one of the boards for the visually impaired (Photo 16).

At km 1.350 on the right side of the road there is a bench, at the edge of a meadow covered with leaves, which at the time of the survey had beautiful blooms (Photos 17, 18, and 19).

Benches are also present at km 1.450 and km 1.550, corresponding to the wooden boards for the visually impaired.

In the last stretch of the path, from km 1.600 to about km 1.900, there are very tall poplars (Photo 20).

Photo 16 - Bench beside the path

Photo 16 - Bench beside the path

Photo 17 - Meadow with flowers

Photo 17 - Meadow with flowers

Photo 18 - Meadow with flowers

Photo 18 - Meadow with flowers

Photo 19 - Meadow with flowers

Photo 19 - Meadow with flowers

Photo 20 - Section of the path characterized by tall poplars

Photo 20 - Section of the path characterized by tall poplars

At about 1.900 km from the start, the 10,000 steps path of Tavagnacco and Pagnacco concludes; the official end-of-route sign is noticeable, alongside the descriptive sign of the Ippovia (Photo 21). The guided "path" for the visually impaired also ends here. The indicator post for the 10,000 steps is clearly visible.

In this area, there is a widening with a coarse gravel surface where vehicles can park (Photo 22) and also a small resting area with a bench (Photo 23).

It is possible to start from this point and complete the route in the opposite direction.

About 100 m further ahead, going up an asphalt ramp (with the presence of gravel on the surface), with a slope of about 15 degrees, there is a pedestrian crossing recently equipped with a traffic light system (still not functioning), which allows crossing the provincial road 51 (Tavagnacco-Pagnacco). At this point, the presence of an ambiguous sign seems to incorrectly indicate the continuation of the 10,000 steps path beyond the road. (Photo 24).

Photo 21 - Informative signs and end of the guided path for visually impaired

Photo 21 - Informative signs and end of the guided path for visually impaired

Photo 22 - Clearing with coarse gravel surface for vehicle parking

Photo 22 - Clearing with coarse gravel surface for vehicle parking

Photo 23 - Small resting area with bench

Photo 23 - Small resting area with bench

Photo 24 - Pedestrian crossing for crossing provincial road 51

Photo 24 - Pedestrian crossing for crossing provincial road 51