San Pier d'Isonzo - FVG in motion 10 thousand steps of health
San Pier d'Isonzo - FVG in motion 10 thousand steps of health
18400 meters
The “Basso Isonzo Path” begins near the inhabited center of the municipality of San Pier d’Isonzo; it then continues south, along the Isonzo River, crossing the municipal park of Turriaco. The walk continues to San Canzian d’Isonzo, (locality Pieris) and after crossing the Provincial Road Monfalcone-Grado, near the bridge over the Isonzo, shares a stretch with the "Ciclovia del mare Adriatico FVG2”, subsequently entering the property of the Municipality of Staranzano. Access is then granted to the Natural Reserve of the Isonzo Mouth, which hosts renowned natural sites such as those of Isola della Cona and Marinetta. The path continues along the Quarantia embankment, reaching the wooded area of locality Alberoni and finally the Lido di Staranzano, a natural beach and protected area where the walk ends.
The analyzed path has a total length of 18.5 km and is also possible in the opposite direction: from Lido di Staranzano to S. Pier d'Isonzo
The path begins near the inhabited center of the municipality of San Pier d’Isonzo, one hundred meters away from the embankment of the Isonzo River. Near the starting point, there is an information panel with indications for the 10,000 steps path (Photo 1). There is no dedicated parking area nearby nor stalls reserved for people with disabilities (Photo 2).
One walks on a dirt path, about 2.5 meters wide, with medium-sized pebbles on the ground (Photo 3).
To reach the embankment, one travels a 20-meter uphill stretch with a slope of about 10° (Photo 4); after passing the embankment, one descends slightly on a dirt path with medium-sized stones (Photo 5).
300 meters from the start, there is a fork in the road, without any indicator sign. Therefore, we rely on the map and take the left branch (Photo 6).
From km 0.4 from the start, the ground of the path becomes more compact (Photo 7).
At km 0.5 from the start, we come to an intersection where there are no indications. The interactive map on the phone suggests continuing straight (Photo 8). For about 300 meters, the path runs alongside an olive grove on the left and a grove of hazelnut trees and various shrubs on the right; in this stretch, the ground is slightly more grassy (Photo 9).
At km 0.8 from the start, the path widens significantly, again encountering a fork; the map suggests continuing on the right path as there are no indicator signs (Photo 10)
In this stretch, there is noticeable muddy ground (Photo 11)
After 1 km from the start, another fork is reached, where there is no directional signage; proceed to the left along the bank of the Isonzo River, which can be seen on the right (Photo 12, 13).
At 1.2 km from the start, the path surface, which narrows to 1 meter in width, changes from grassy to first compacted and then cemented; after a short elevation of about 6°, you enter a wooded area (Photo 14, 15).
At 1.4 km from the start, almost at the end of the wooded area, the track surface is unpaved with the presence of gravel and small pebbles (Photo 16, 17).
At the end of the wooded section (1.6 km from the start), there is a slight ascent of about 5° in gradient (Photo 18) that leads to a junction of paths. Here, there is a directional sign (Photo 19) indicating to proceed south, along a dirt path with medium-sized gravel in the first stretch, parallel to the high bank of the Isonzo River (Photo 20). Subsequently, another sign indicates the entrance to the territory of the Municipality of Turriaco.
About 2 km from the start, the path ascends the bank with a gradient of about 10-15° and crosses it (Photo 21). The descending section of the bank with a similar gradient has a gravelly surface (Photo 22). Near a sharp curve, there is a sign indicating 10,000 steps (Photo 23).
The path now continues with the bank on the left and the Isonzo on the right. At 2.5 km, the trail, which in this stretch is about 1 meter wide, passes between two large boulders (Photo 24).
At km 2.8 from the start, you enter the municipal park of Turriaco. It is a place dedicated to village festivals and concerts and also serves as an equipped area with benches and tables for the rest and refreshment of walkers. In addition to the conventional indicator posts of the 10,000 steps path, there are several installations of descriptive boards of the local ecosystem, rich in biodiversity (Photo 25, 26 and Photo 27, 28). The ground in this section is compact with sparse presence of gravel. On the right, it is possible to take a close look at the Isonzo River (Photo 29).
At Km 3 from the start, near the Municipal Park, there is a large parking lot on unpaved ground; there are no reserved spaces for people with disabilities (Photo 30).
The path continues on a dirt track, with sections of fine gravel, about 4 meters wide, thus exiting the Municipal Park of Turriaco (Photo 31). Along the riverbank, on the right, there is a wooden protective railing (Photo 32).
In this section of the route (about 3.2 km from the start), there are some benches for resting (Photo 33).
At km 3.7, you can notice a conventional indicator sign, which invites you to proceed straight (Photo 34).
At km 4.1 from the start, there is another sign indicating the continuation of the path straight south, beyond which the dirt path narrows to 2 meters. (Photo 35)
At km 4.4, near the first railway underpass, the dirt track for several dozen meters has a surface with numerous medium-sized stones (Photo 36).
At km 4.5 from the start, after passing the underpass, the path in this short stretch has a deep layer of gravel and a narrowing to 1.20 meters of the passage, due to the placement of two large stone blocks (Photo 37).
About one hundred meters further on (at km 4.6), the path passes beyond a second, more imposing railway underpass than the first; the ground becomes compact and the presence of gravel is significantly reduced (Photo 38).
After passing the second underpass, there is a ramp with a slope of about 7 ° with an unstable surface due to the presence of gravel (Photo 39).
The path with a gravel surface continues for several hundred meters next to a gravel quarry (Locality Pieris). Subsequently, one arrives at an uphill asphalted stretch with a slope of about 12° (Photo 40), near the crossing of the Statale 14 (about 5.1 km from the start).
The crossing of the Statale 14, a road with high vehicle density, is dangerous, as it lacks dedicated pedestrian crossings (Photo 41). After crossing the state road, one arrives near a large asphalted square (Photo 42), where an information panel of the 10,000 steps path suggests continuing towards the avifauna area of Marcorina (Photo 43).
The path continues on a paved road open to vehicular traffic. At km 5.55 from the start (Photo 44), you reach a fork, where it is indicated, with a specific sign, to continue straight (Photo 45) alongside the embankment on the left (Photo 46), in the avifaunal territory of La Marcorina (Photo 47, 48).
At km 6.5 from the start, the paved section features an ascent with a slope of about 10° that allows you to overcome the embankment on the left (Photo 49)
After crossing the embankment, a slight descent with an asphalt surface leads to an intersection, where the appropriate sign, placed near the Agricultural Company, suggests continuing straight (Photo 50); in this section, the asphalt surface has large potholes (Photo 51)
At 7 km from the start, one arrives again at a dirt section, with the presence of gravel; at this point, the path is about 3 meters wide (Photo 52).
A fork is encountered again where the direction to follow is not indicated; the map suggests keeping to the right (Photo 53).
At 8.200 km from the start, the path continues alongside the embankment and then crosses it. The surface is uneven with the presence of gravel and stones (Photo 54) with an inclination of about 10° (Photo 55).
After crossing the embankment, the descent occurs at an inclination of about 12° on a gravel surface (Photo 56); Since there are no specific signs, one relies on the map which indicates to continue straight, along the embankment on the left. At this point, the dirt surface becomes grassy (Photo 57 and Photo 58).
At about km 9.5, the route offers two opportunities: to climb back up the embankment via narrow ramps and continue the path in an elevated position (presence of a Natura 2000 site sign (Photo 59), or to stay low and continue the path along the embankment. The second option is the one recommended on the 10,000 steps map.
The reconnaissance covered both possibilities: the path on the embankment has a rather narrow dirt track in the center (30 cm) and is mostly grassy on the sides; the path below continues on a grassy and occasionally muddy track. The area being crossed always belongs to the Hunting Area of La Marcorina (Photo 60, 61).
While the path on the embankment does not present major difficulties (Photo 62) and has a constant surface, the one on the lower track offers changing conditions: in fact, at about Km 9.7 the lower path becomes grassy and inclines by 4/5 degrees (Photo 63), then at about km 10 it enters a wooded area and becomes muddy for a stretch of 200 meters (Photo 64 and Photo 65).
At km 10.2, at the exit of the forest, the lower track becomes grassy again (Photo 66 and Photo 67) and at km 10.4 it intersects a gravel road that rises towards the embankment (Photo 68). You continue straight, always alongside the embankment on the left on a completely grassy surface (Photo 69).
At km 10.500 from the start, the lower path is characterized by dense vegetation, the presence of shrubs (Photo 70) and fallen trees that hinder the identification of the trail and consequently pedestrian passage (Photo 71). This situation requires climbing back onto the embankment (Photo 72) to continue the route in an elevated position, on a small dirt track (Photo 73). To the left of the embankment, there is a parallel path that is inaccessible due to the presence of grass and mud (Photo 74).
At about km 10.6 the path along the embankment ends near the Provincial Road 19 Monfalcone - Grado (Photo 75). The safe crossing of the SP is allowed by an asphalted road about 3 meters wide that leads to an underpass (Photo 76) and rises back up on the embankment on the other side (Photo 77). The slopes (both downhill and uphill) do not exceed 5/6 degrees.
This point is the entrance to the Regional Nature Reserve of the Isonzo River Mouth (Photo 78). The journey continues on the Adriatic Sea Cycle Path FVG2, which runs along the embankment; the surface is asphalted and the width of the path is about 2 meters (Photo 79).
At km 10.700 from the start, the paved section of the embankment ends with a small porphyry ramp and a gravel widening, leading to a large junction (Photo 80). Going to the right, it is possible to visit the Isola della Cona, a site of high natural interest. The indicator sign for the 10,000 steps path is present (Photo 81), inviting us to continue to the left, on a paved road section.
We continue on a road open to vehicular traffic, without a sidewalk, for about 50 meters. At km 10.9 from the start, we re-enter the route of the Adriatic Sea Cycle Path FVG2, keeping to the right and leaving the main road (Photo 82). The surface of the cycle path has fine gravel and is about 2 meters wide (Photo 83, 84)
You continue walking on the Cycle Path and at km 14 from the start è it is possible to stop in a large rest area, located lower than the Cycle Path, equipped with benches, bike racks, and information boards (Photo 85, 86, 87)
The path now offers a width of about 2.5 meters and has an asphalt surface, with the presence of medium-sized gravel (Photo 88).
At 15 km from the start, along the 10,000 steps route, there is another rest area with benches and bike racks (Photo 89). The path at this point, on the right, runs alongside the nearby mouth of the Isonzo River, while on the left there are cultivated fields, positioned lower than the Cycle Path, where there are no barriers to protect users of the path (Photo 90).
At km 15.4, the path is abandoned to slightly ascend the grassy embankment of the Quarantia of the Isonzo River, as indicated on the map (there are no signposts) (Photo 91). The route passes through the locality of Alberoni, a wooded area rich in poplars and vibrant undergrowth.
The walk along the embankment presents some difficulties because there are uneven sections, sudden changes in elevation, stones, roots, and brambles; the embankment is elevated compared to the Cycle Path (Photo 92), which runs parallel to it.
At km 15.8 from the start, there is a sign indicating the Health Path, which invites you to continue straight ahead (Photo 93).
At 16 km from the start, the presence of a low concrete wall forces a reduction of the passage to 40 cm in width (Photo 94). The path is again obstructed by a concrete structure close to a private property (Photo 95).
From km 16 to km 17 from the start, the embankment is followed, on a grassy path about 50 cm wide (Photo 96, 97); In this stretch of the route there are benches to rest on (Photo 98).
Near the Punta Barene marina, at about km 17.5, the path narrows further to about 40 cm, passing through dense vegetation (Photo 99). At this point there is an indicator sign (Photo 100).
After passing the small port of Punta Barene and the mouth of the Isonzo River, a view of the Adriatic Sea opens up, towards Monfalcone and Trieste (Photo 101).
The path at this point widens to about 120 cm; to the right of the embankment, below, the Cycle Path runs parallel (Photo 102).
At km 18 from the start, a sign indicating 10,000 steps invites you to descend again from the embankment, to resume the Journey on the Cycle Path (Photo 103); continuing, it is possible to notice the presence of nature boards along the route (Photo 104).
After covering the last 400 meters, at km 18.4 from the start, the reconnaissance of the route concludes. Near the Lido di Staranzano, close to a widening, there is the information panel of the 10,000 Steps of Health \"Basso Isonzo Path\" (Photo 105).