Brugnera - FVG in motion 10 thousand steps of health
Brugnera - FVG in motion 10 thousand steps of health
2000 meters
Entrance of the Park of Villa Varda
Peripheral to the urban center, perfectly signposted as a site of naturalistic and architectural interest, equipped with ample parking, the “10000 steps FVG” path in Brugnera has been created using the walkways within the Villa Varda Park.
Near the convenient parking area, an explanatory sign has been placed (Photo 0).
The start of the trail corresponds to the entrance gate of the park (Photo 1), on the right walkway is the first indicator sign of the “10000 steps FVG” (Photo 2).
After a few meters, another indicator sign is encountered (Photo 3, 4). One proceeds into the park composed of paths with gravel surfaces and surrounded by numerous trees. There are also indicator signs placed regularly.
Another arrow indicates the direction towards The Tower (The Ice House) (Photo 5), where there are restrooms. At this point, the flora of the Park is remarkable (Photos 6-8).
At the Mausoleum, there is an indicator sign for the path (Photo 9). Another one will be found about 400 m from the start (Photo 10) and another after an additional 150 meters (Photo 11).
About 850 m from the start, there is a beautiful view of the Livenza River (Photo 14).
Along the river (Photos 15 – 18, 20,21), the path is well marked by arrows (Photo 19).
You enter a small grove, towards which you return near the Tower (Ice House) closing a sort of flattened loop (Photo 22). The path is perfectly marked.
For a good part of the path, you follow the river which appears green (Photo 23-27).
At km 1.6 there is a path indicator sign (Photo 31), which points towards the Villa at the end of the loop.
Continuing, you reach a playground for children, a building used by associations or as a venue for events, and the restrooms (Photo 32). A little further ahead is the Orange Grove (Photo 33).
The path concludes by skirting the Villa on the opposite side from the starting point (Photo 34), and finally exits through the gate.