Somewhere tours
Lignano Sabbiadoro
1.0 /3
Viale Italia, 56 33054 Lignano Sabbiadoro Udine
Private parking
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 0, 'value': 'Absent'} AbsentAtternative to private parking
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 0, 'value': 'Public park'} Public parkItinerary from the reserved parking space (or nearest access) to a building access
{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Paving', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Concrete/porphyry coplanar blocks'}]}
{'label': 'Paving', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Concrete/porphyry coplanar blocks'} Concrete/porphyry coplanar blocksPREVAILING WIDTH:
{'label': 'Prevailing width', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': '> 90 cm'}]}TYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': '> 90 cm'} > 90 cmNARROWING (CM):
{'label': 'Narrowing (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 82} 82
{'label': '', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Cover', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}
{'label': 'Cover', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} No
{'label': '', 'order': 5, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}
{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoHeight difference (> 2.5 cm)
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesDISLEVEL:
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Short staircase/step'}, {'label': 'Univocal code', 'order': 2, 'value': 'SB1'}, {'label': 'Short staircase (less than one floor)', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 300}, {'label': 'Number of steps', 'order': 2, 'value': 1}, {'label': 'Height of individual riser (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 16}, {'label': 'Corrimano', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}, {'label': 'Step', 'order': 5, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Non-slip'}]}, {'label': 'Intermediate landing', 'order': 6, 'value': 'No'}, {'label': '', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}]}]}
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Short staircase/step'} Short staircase/stepUNIVOCAL CODE:
{'label': 'Univocal code', 'order': 2, 'value': 'SB1'} SB1SHORT STAIRCASE (LESS THAN ONE FLOOR):
{'label': 'Short staircase (less than one floor)', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 300}, {'label': 'Number of steps', 'order': 2, 'value': 1}, {'label': 'Height of individual riser (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 16}, {'label': 'Corrimano', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}, {'label': 'Step', 'order': 5, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Non-slip'}]}, {'label': 'Intermediate landing', 'order': 6, 'value': 'No'}, {'label': '', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}]}WIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 300} 300NUMBER OF STEPS:
{'label': 'Number of steps', 'order': 2, 'value': 1} 1HEIGHT OF INDIVIDUAL RISER (CM):
{'label': 'Height of individual riser (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 16} 16CORRIMANO:
{'label': 'Corrimano', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoSTEP:
{'label': 'Step', 'order': 5, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Non-slip'}]}TYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Non-slip'} Non-slipINTERMEDIATE LANDING:
{'label': 'Intermediate landing', 'order': 6, 'value': 'No'} No{'label': '', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}TACTILE-PLANTAR PATHS:
{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} No - {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Ramp'}, {'label': 'Univocal code', 'order': 2, 'value': 'RA1'}, {'label': 'Ramp', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 100}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 500}, {'label': 'Slope', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Slope (°)', 'order': 1, 'value': 8}, {'label': 'Slope (%)', 'order': 2, 'value': 14.05}]}, {'label': 'Corrimano', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Two sides'}]}]}, {'label': 'Side kerb', 'order': 5, 'value': 'No'}, {'label': 'Non-slip finish', 'order': 6, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Colour contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 8, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}]}]}
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Ramp'} RampUNIVOCAL CODE:
{'label': 'Univocal code', 'order': 2, 'value': 'RA1'} RA1RAMP:
{'label': 'Ramp', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 100}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 500}, {'label': 'Slope', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Slope (°)', 'order': 1, 'value': 8}, {'label': 'Slope (%)', 'order': 2, 'value': 14.05}]}, {'label': 'Corrimano', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Two sides'}]}]}, {'label': 'Side kerb', 'order': 5, 'value': 'No'}, {'label': 'Non-slip finish', 'order': 6, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Colour contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 8, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}]}WIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 100} 100LENGTH (CM):
{'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 500} 500SLOPE:
{'label': 'Slope', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Slope (°)', 'order': 1, 'value': 8}, {'label': 'Slope (%)', 'order': 2, 'value': 14.05}]}SLOPE (°):
{'label': 'Slope (°)', 'order': 1, 'value': 8} 8SLOPE (%):
{'label': 'Slope (%)', 'order': 2, 'value': 14.05} 14.05CORRIMANO:
{'label': 'Corrimano', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Two sides'}]}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} Yes{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Two sides'}]}TYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Two sides'} Two sidesSIDE KERB:
{'label': 'Side kerb', 'order': 5, 'value': 'No'} NoNON-SLIP FINISH:
{'label': 'Non-slip finish', 'order': 6, 'value': 'Yes'} Yes{'label': '', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Colour contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}COLOUR CONTRAST:
{'label': 'Colour contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} No{'label': '', 'order': 8, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}TACTILE-PLANTAR PATHS:
{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} No
Access to the building
{'label': 'Entrance', 'order': 0, 'value': 'Entrance already surveyed with the entrance card, as main'} Entrance already surveyed with the entrance card, as mainGeneral note
{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'The information provided relates to boarding from Pier S, near the Coast Guard building, where there is a floating pier that can be used upon reservation with at least one day\'s notice. Parking spaces are in the square in front of the embarkation point. The documented route is from the parking stall to the embarkation point. There is a step along the route, with an upward height of 6 centimetres and a downward height of 16 centimetres, documented under "Short staircase/step", which can also be overcome by using a pair of 20-centimetres wide, 120-centimetres long track ramps, which, once resting on the step, have a gradient of approximately 12%. Next is a gate with a net clearance of 82 centimetres and a connecting ramp to the floating pontoon documented under the heading "Ramp"; the gradient of the ramp is variable depending on the height of the tide (during the inspection the tide was medium-high).'}
The information provided relates to boarding from Pier S, near the Coast Guard building, where there is a floating pier that can be used upon reservation with at least one day's notice. Parking spaces are in the square in front of the embarkation point. The documented route is from the parking stall to the embarkation point. There is a step along the route, with an upward height of 6 centimetres and a downward height of 16 centimetres, documented under "Short staircase/step", which can also be overcome by using a pair of 20-centimetres wide, 120-centimetres long track ramps, which, once resting on the step, have a gradient of approximately 12%. Next is a gate with a net clearance of 82 centimetres and a connecting ramp to the floating pontoon documented under the heading "Ramp"; the gradient of the ramp is variable depending on the height of the tide (during the inspection the tide was medium-high).
Entrance typology
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 0, 'value': 'Main'} MainACCESSIBLE:
{'label': 'Accessible', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoTIPO:
{'label': 'Tipo', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Principale'} PrincipaleHeight difference (> 2.5 cm)
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesDISLEVEL:
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Ramp'}, {'label': 'Univocal code', 'order': 2, 'value': 'RA2'}, {'label': 'Ramp', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 20}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 120}, {'label': 'Slope', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Slope (°)', 'order': 1, 'value': 10}, {'label': 'Slope (%)', 'order': 2, 'value': 17.63}]}, {'label': 'Corrimano', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}, {'label': 'Side kerb', 'order': 5, 'value': 'No'}, {'label': 'Non-slip finish', 'order': 6, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Colour contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 8, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}]}]}
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Ramp'} RampUNIVOCAL CODE:
{'label': 'Univocal code', 'order': 2, 'value': 'RA2'} RA2RAMP:
{'label': 'Ramp', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 20}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 120}, {'label': 'Slope', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Slope (°)', 'order': 1, 'value': 10}, {'label': 'Slope (%)', 'order': 2, 'value': 17.63}]}, {'label': 'Corrimano', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}, {'label': 'Side kerb', 'order': 5, 'value': 'No'}, {'label': 'Non-slip finish', 'order': 6, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Colour contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 8, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}]}WIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 20} 20LENGTH (CM):
{'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 120} 120SLOPE:
{'label': 'Slope', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Slope (°)', 'order': 1, 'value': 10}, {'label': 'Slope (%)', 'order': 2, 'value': 17.63}]}SLOPE (°):
{'label': 'Slope (°)', 'order': 1, 'value': 10} 10SLOPE (%):
{'label': 'Slope (%)', 'order': 2, 'value': 17.63} 17.63CORRIMANO:
{'label': 'Corrimano', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoSIDE KERB:
{'label': 'Side kerb', 'order': 5, 'value': 'No'} NoNON-SLIP FINISH:
{'label': 'Non-slip finish', 'order': 6, 'value': 'Yes'} Yes{'label': '', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Colour contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}COLOUR CONTRAST:
{'label': 'Colour contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} No{'label': '', 'order': 8, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}TACTILE-PLANTAR PATHS:
{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} No
Threshold (< 2.5 cm)
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No/Level'} No/LevelEntrance door
{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Opening', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Inside'}]}]}
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf'} Single leaf
{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Opening', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Inside'}]}
{'label': 'Opening', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Inside'} InsideAUTOMATED OPENING:
{'label': 'Automated opening', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} No
{'label': '', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Net door clearance', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single or sliding door'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Measure (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 60}]}]}
{'label': 'Net door clearance', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single or sliding door'} Single or sliding door
{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Measure (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 60}]}
{'label': 'Measure (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 60} 60DOOR AND BACK DOOR COPLANARITY (NOT ASSESSED HEIGHT DIFFERENCE UP TO 2.5 CM):
{'label': 'Door and back door coplanarity (not assessed height difference up to 2.5 cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': 'Yes'} YesZERBINI/CARPETS:
{'label': 'Zerbini/Carpets', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Presents', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}PRESENTS:
{'label': 'Presents', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoINTERCOM/BELL:
{'label': 'Intercom/Bell', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoGlass doors: window decals to indicate their presence
{'label': 'Presents', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoGeneral note
{'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': 'Access to the boat (pontoon boat) is from the floating pontoon through the placement of a pair of rail ramps documented under "Ramp", to overcome a difference in height between the floor of the boat and that of the pontoon of approximately 20 centimetres. The boat\'s personnel are always present to facilitate the operations and assist with the ascent and descent of the ramps. The bow deck is coplanar and wide, equipped with an awning to shelter from the sun; to access the area equipped with seats, near the command post, there is an opening with a door with a net clearance of 60 centimetres (documented under "Entrance door).\nFor disembarking on the beach, the staff uses a ramp located at the rear of the vessel with dimensions of 90 x 230 centimetres.'}
Access to the boat (pontoon boat) is from the floating pontoon through the placement of a pair of rail ramps documented under "Ramp", to overcome a difference in height between the floor of the boat and that of the pontoon of approximately 20 centimetres. The boat's personnel are always present to facilitate the operations and assist with the ascent and descent of the ramps. The bow deck is coplanar and wide, equipped with an awning to shelter from the sun; to access the area equipped with seats, near the command post, there is an opening with a door with a net clearance of 60 centimetres (documented under "Entrance door).
For disembarking on the beach, the staff uses a ramp located at the rear of the vessel with dimensions of 90 x 230 centimetres.
{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'L’accesso all\'imbarcazione (pontoonboat) avviene dal pontile galleggiante attraverso il posizionamento di una coppia di rampe a binario documentate nella voce "Rampa", per superare un dislivello tra il piano dell\'imbarcazione e quello del pontile di circa 20 cm.\nIl personale dell\'imbarcazione è sempre presente per agevolare le operazioni e assistere nelle fasi di salita e discesa dalle rampette. \nIl ponte di prua è complanare e ampio, dotato di un tendalino per riparare dal sole; per accedere all\'area dotata di sedute, nei pressi della postazione di comando, c\'è un varco con porta con luce netta di 60 cm (documentata alla voce "Porta ingresso).\nPer lo sbarco su spiaggia il personale ha a disposizione una rampa che viene collocata posteriormente con dimensioni di 90 x 230 cm.'}
L’accesso all'imbarcazione (pontoonboat) avviene dal pontile galleggiante attraverso il posizionamento di una coppia di rampe a binario documentate nella voce "Rampa", per superare un dislivello tra il piano dell'imbarcazione e quello del pontile di circa 20 cm.
Il personale dell'imbarcazione è sempre presente per agevolare le operazioni e assistere nelle fasi di salita e discesa dalle rampette.
Il ponte di prua è complanare e ampio, dotato di un tendalino per riparare dal sole; per accedere all'area dotata di sedute, nei pressi della postazione di comando, c'è un varco con porta con luce netta di 60 cm (documentata alla voce "Porta ingresso).
Per lo sbarco su spiaggia il personale ha a disposizione una rampa che viene collocata posteriormente con dimensioni di 90 x 230 cm.
Compartment name
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Generic, of the structure'} Generic, of the structureIDENTIFIER:
{'label': 'Identifier', 'order': 2, 'value': 'V1'} V1Door
{'label': 'Access', 'order': 1, 'value': 'None'} NoneDimensions
{'label': 'Rotation diameter 140 cm', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoPREVAILING CLEAR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Prevailing clear width', 'order': 3, 'value': '< 75 cm'} < 75 cmPaving
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'More'} MoreOTHER TYPOLOGY:
{'label': 'Other typology', 'order': 2, 'value': 'PVC'} PVCColour contrast floors/walls
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} No
{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Floor colour', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Beige'}, {'label': 'Wall colour', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Beige'}]}
{'label': 'Floor colour', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Beige'} BeigeWALL COLOUR:
{'label': 'Wall colour', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Beige'} BeigeSignage
{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}
{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} No
{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Touch map', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}
{'label': 'Touch map', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} No
{'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Information signage', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}
{'label': 'Information signage', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoFurniture
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Backrest'}]}]}
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} Yes{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Backrest'}]}{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Backrest'} Backrest
General note
{'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': 'Compartment sheet for the seating area, near the control station, which is accessed through a door measuring 60 centimetres in width.'}
Compartment sheet for the seating area, near the control station, which is accessed through a door measuring 60 centimetres in width.
{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': "Scheda vano relativa all'area dotata di sedute, nei pressi della postazione di comando, il cui accesso avviene tramite porta larga 60 cm."}
Scheda vano relativa all'area dotata di sedute, nei pressi della postazione di comando, il cui accesso avviene tramite porta larga 60 cm.
{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Absent'}