Monfalcone - FVG in motion 10 thousand steps of health







Monfalcone - FVG in motion 10 thousand steps of health


6413 meters


Parking near the Hotel “Riserva Alberoni”

The route, called "Litorale Isontino", develops in the territory of the municipalities of Staranzano and Monfalcone. It represents the natural completion of the "Basso Isonzo" route which, among paths and embankments, crosses the municipalities of S. Pier d'Isonzo, S. Canzian d'Isonzo, and Staranzano.

The route starts from the locality of Riva Lunga in Staranzano (near the "Riserva Alberoni" Hotel), located in the area of the Natural Reserve of the Mouth of the Isonzo and continues towards Marina Julia.

It is possible to park in the large unpaved area near the "Riserva Alberoni" Hotel, where, however, there are no reserved spaces for people with disabilities. The first stretch is traveled for about one hundred meters on a wide asphalted road, then intercepting the Adriatic Sea Cycle Path FVG2, near the embankment that separates it from the sea. In this stretch, the surface is asphalted and presents some uneven points and others with gravel (Photo 1).

The asphalted path is about 3 meters wide and runs along the right side of the embankment (Photo 2). At km 0.240 from the start, there is a ramp built according to current regulations, suitable for wheelchair passage (slope about 5%, presence of resting areas), to easily allow crossing the embankment and accessing the coastline (Photo 3).

It is necessary to rely on the map to continue on the Cycle Path towards Marina Julia, as there are no indicator signs for the 10,000 steps.

At km 0.930, you enter the area called "Spiaggia di Monfalcone" (locality Marina Julia); the asphalted road gives way to a dirt path, about 2.5 meters wide, with a gravel surface (Photo 5 and Photo 6).

Photo 1 - Wide asphalt road with some uneven spots and others with gravel

Photo 1 - Wide asphalt road with some uneven spots and others with gravel

Photo 2 - Asphalt path about 3 meters wide that runs along the embankment

Photo 2 - Asphalt path about 3 meters wide that runs along the embankment

Photo 3 - Ramp with a 5% slope to overcome the embankment and access the shoreline

Photo 3 - Ramp with a 5% slope to overcome the embankment and access the shoreline

Photo 4 - Asphalt road

Photo 4 - Asphalt road

Photo 5 - Dirt path with a gravel surface, about 2.5 m wide

Photo 5 - Dirt path with a gravel surface, about 2.5 m wide

Photo 6 - Dirt path with a gravel surface, about 2.5 m wide

Photo 6 - Dirt path with a gravel surface, about 2.5 m wide

1 km from the start, there are large roots protruding from the ground of the dirt path (Photo 7 and Photo 8). The embankment, which runs parallel and higher than the Cycle Path, is equipped with benches for resting, protected by wooden railings (Photo 9).

At km 1.200 the dirt path ends in the huge asphalt parking lot serving the seaside resort of Marina Julia (Photo 10); it is crossed until reaching a ramp (Photo 11) reserved for the passage of wheelchairs for people with disabilities (ramp with a 5% slope and presence of resting platforms), which allows access to the beach as well as continuing along the path on the embankment, where however there are no indicator signs.

The path on the embankment, about 2.5 meters wide, has an initial section with deep gravel in some places that hosts some benches for resting and is illuminated by street lamps (Photo 12).

Photo 7 - Presence of large roots on the bottom of the dirt path

Photo 7 - Presence of large roots on the bottom of the dirt path

Photo 8 - Presence of large roots on the bottom of the dirt path

Photo 8 - Presence of large roots on the bottom of the dirt path

Photo 9 - Embankment equipped with benches for resting, protected by wooden railings

Photo 9 - Embankment equipped with benches for resting, protected by wooden railings

Photo 10 - Large paved parking lot serving the seaside resort of Marina Julia

Photo 10 - Large paved parking lot serving the seaside resort of Marina Julia

Photo 11 - Ramp with a 5% slope allowing access to the beach and the path on the embankment

Photo 11 - Ramp with a 5% slope allowing access to the beach and the path on the embankment

Photo 12 - Path on the embankment about 2.5 m wide, initial section with deep gravel

Photo 12 - Path on the embankment about 2.5 m wide, initial section with deep gravel

At km 1.390 from the start, there are protruding manholes that can obstruct passage (Photo 13). A little further on, the path along the embankment merges into a dirt track about 4 meters wide, where on the right there is the shoreline, and on the left, it runs alongside the fence of a campsite (Photo 14). In this section, the ground is compact, with sporadic presence of shallow gravel.

At km 1.700 from the start, we find a sign indicating the 10,000 steps route. About ten meters further, the track splits, highlighting a downhill section. The map indications encourage continuing the path along the embankment, in an elevated position (Photo 15).

The path along the embankment is 2 meters wide and there are no barriers protecting the elevated path; the ground also appears compact with the presence of fine gravel (Photo 16)

At km 2.090 there is a metal bench for resting, in the shade of a large tree (Photo 17); a few meters further there is another bench positioned on the side of the track facing the beach (Photo 18).

Photo 13 - Protruding manholes that can obstruct passage

Photo 13 - Protruding manholes that can obstruct passage

Photo 14 - Dirt path about 4 m wide, with a compact surface

Photo 14 - Dirt path about 4 m wide, with a compact surface

Photo 15 - Division of the path, the route continues along the embankment

Photo 15 - Division of the path, the route continues along the embankment

Photo 16 - Embankment about 2 m wide, lacking protective barriers, with a compact surface

Photo 16 - Embankment about 2 m wide, lacking protective barriers, with a compact surface

Photo 17 - Metal bench for resting

Photo 17 - Metal bench for resting

Photo 18 - Bench facing the beach

Photo 18 - Bench facing the beach

Al km 2,180 dalla partenza la passeggiata sull'argine termina con una scalinata in cemento, dotata di corrimano in acciaio, che porta a scendere su Via dei Bagni Nuova (strada aperta al traffico veicolare); nelle vicinanze è collato un segnale indicatore dei 10.000 passi (Foto 19). Si prosegue, nel primo tratto, su sede stradale, poiché sono assenti i marciapiedi su entrambi i lati della carreggiata. (Foto 20).

Al km 2,200 dalla partenza, è necessario attraversare, in un tratto privo di passaggi pedonali, via dei Bagni Nuova, dove è possibile camminare in sicurezza. Il fondo è sconnesso, con ghiaia (Foto 21).

Al km 2,400 dalla partenza, termina il fondo in ghiaia e comincia il tratto erboso parallelo alla strada asfaltata di via dei Bagni Nuova (Foto 22); al km 2,500 è presente un dissuasore a “panettone” in cemento (Foto 23).

Al km 2,600 si abbandona il tratto erboso e si procede su sede stradale che consente l’ingresso in località Marina Nova, nello specifico all'Isola dei Bagni.

Nel piazzale del Parco "Nelson Mandela" dell'Isola dei Bagni si trova il cartellone informativo del Percorso 10.000 passi FVG (Foto 24). Qui sono presenti numerosi posti auto per la sosta, alcuni riservati a persone con disabilità.

Photo 19 - Concrete staircase leading to Via dei Bagni Nuova

Photo 19 - Concrete staircase leading to Via dei Bagni Nuova

Photo 20 - Via dei Bagni Nuova, road open to vehicular traffic, lacking sidewalks

Photo 20 - Via dei Bagni Nuova, road open to vehicular traffic, lacking sidewalks

Photo 21 - Pedestrian path alongside the road, with uneven surface

Photo 21 - Pedestrian path alongside the road, with uneven surface

Photo 22 - Grassy area parallel to the road

Photo 22 - Grassy area parallel to the road

Photo 23 - Presence of a concrete 'panettone' bollard

Photo 23 - Presence of a concrete 'panettone' bollard

Photo 24 - Informative sign of the path

Photo 24 - Informative sign of the path

L'Isola dei Bagni è la meta finale del percorso. Per rientrare al punto di partenza ci si attiene alla mappa, percorrendo l’anello pedonale indicato (Via dei Bagni Nuova - Via del Brancolo - Via delle Giarrette - Marina Julia). È necessario ripercorrere il tratto appena fatto (Foto 25) fino alla discesa dall'argine (Foto 26) e proseguire su Via dei Bagni Nuova, su una prima traccia sterrata molto stretta (20 cm di larghezza), che corre parallela alla sede stradale per circa 50 metri (Foto 27)

A 3 km dalla partenza, la traccia sterrata si allarga e confluisce in una pista erbosa (Foto 28); i lavori in corso, nei pressi dell'ingresso della Marina di Monfalcone, costringono ad attraversare nuovamente Via dei Bagni Nuova, in cui è assente il passaggio pedonale, e giungere sul lato sinistro della carreggiata, dove non è presente il marciapiede (Foto 29).

Al km 3,700 dalla partenza circa, si arriva all'incrocio semaforico del ponte sul Canale del Brancolo (Foto 30); è presente un segnale indicatore, che invita a piegare a sinistra. In questo modo ci si immette nella Ciclopedonale FVG 1, che corre parallela alla Strada del Brancolo (Foto 31).

Photo 25 - The path continues along the grassy stretch parallel to the road

Photo 25 - The path continues along the grassy stretch parallel to the road

Photo 26 - Descent from the embankment

Photo 26 - Descent from the embankment

Photo 27 - Via dei Bagni Nuova, very narrow dirt track (20 cm wide)

Photo 27 - Via dei Bagni Nuova, very narrow dirt track (20 cm wide)

Photo 28 - The dirt track widens and merges into a grassy path

Photo 28 - The dirt track widens and merges into a grassy path

Photo 29 - Crossing Via dei Bagni Nuova (lack of pedestrian crossing)

Photo 29 - Crossing Via dei Bagni Nuova (lack of pedestrian crossing)

Photo 30 - Traffic light intersection of the bridge over the Brancolo Canal

Photo 30 - Traffic light intersection of the bridge over the Brancolo Canal

Photo 31 - Entrance to the FVG 1 Cycle-Pedestrian path, which runs parallel to the Strada del Brancolo

Photo 31 - Entrance to the FVG 1 Cycle-Pedestrian path, which runs parallel to the Strada del Brancolo

The first section of the Ciclopedonale path is characterized by a wooden bridge (Photo 31 and Photo 32); it continues on a dirt path about 1.5 meters wide, with a compact fine gravel surface, running parallel to Via del Brancolo (Photo 33).

At km 4.000 from the start, the path runs alongside a large green wooded area on the left equipped with benches and wooden tables for resting (Photo 34 and Photo 35).

At km 4.250 from the start, Via del Brancolo is left behind and one enters Via delle Giarrette. To reach the right side of the roadway, where the bike path is located, it is necessary to cross Via delle Giarrette at the existing pedestrian crossing, the initial part of which is slightly uneven and has a small curb 3 cm high (Photo 36). There are two low curbs on the traffic island in the center of the roadway (Photo 37).

After passing the pedestrian crossing, there is a sign indicating the 10,000 steps FVG Path, located near the bike path, which directs towards the locality of Marina Julia (Photo 38).

Photo 32 - First section of the Cycle-Pedestrian path, characterized by a wooden bridge

Photo 32 - First section of the Cycle-Pedestrian path, characterized by a wooden bridge

Photo 33 - Dirt section about 1.5 m wide, with a compact fine gravel surface

Photo 33 - Dirt section about 1.5 m wide, with a compact fine gravel surface

Photo 34 - Large green area equipped with benches and wooden tables

Photo 34 - Large green area equipped with benches and wooden tables

Photo 35 - Large green area equipped with benches and wooden tables

Photo 35 - Large green area equipped with benches and wooden tables

Photo 36 - Pedestrian passage on Via delle Giarrette, the initial part is slightly uneven

Photo 36 - Pedestrian passage on Via delle Giarrette, the initial part is slightly uneven

Photo 37 - Low curbs on the traffic island

Photo 37 - Low curbs on the traffic island

Photo 38 - Indicator sign of the Path, near the cycle path

Photo 38 - Indicator sign of the Path, near the cycle path

The cycle path continues, about 1 meter wide, alongside the main road (Photo 39) without a separating curb. At km 4.650, you re-enter the town of Marina Julia (Photo 40).

At km 5.310 from the start, after passing an intersection (Photo 41) and a pedestrian crossing (Photo 42), you arrive at the paved parking lot of the beach; it is necessary to traverse this section with caution, as it is a tourist area and very busy. This completes the wide pedestrian loop of the route.

From this point, you travel the initial section described above, moving from the paved parking lot to the dirt path (Photo 43).

At km 6.600, you reach the last fork (Photo 44); turning right and continuing for another hundred meters leads you to the parking lot of the starting point, near the Hotel Riserva "Alberoni" (Photo 45).

At km 6.700 from the start, the reconnaissance of the route called "Litorale Isontino" concludes.

Photo 39 - Cycle path, about 1 m wide, adjacent to the main road

Photo 39 - Cycle path, about 1 m wide, adjacent to the main road

Photo 40 - Entrance to the village of Marina Julia

Photo 40 - Entrance to the village of Marina Julia

Photo 41 - Intersection

Photo 41 - Intersection

Photo 42 - Pedestrian crossing

Photo 42 - Pedestrian crossing

Photo 43 - Transition from the asphalted parking lot to the dirt path

Photo 43 - Transition from the asphalted parking lot to the dirt path

Photo 44 - Last fork, the path continues to the right

Photo 44 - Last fork, the path continues to the right

Photo 45 - Road leading to the initial parking lot, near the "Alberoni" Hotel Reserve

Photo 45 - Road leading to the initial parking lot, near the "Alberoni" Hotel Reserve