Buffet da Giovanni
2.6 /3
Via San Lazzaro, 14 34122, Trieste
Managed first by Giovanni and then by his son Bruno, the Trattoria makes the culture and tradition of Trieste its pillars.
- Catering
Entrance type
{'label': 'Accessible', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesTYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Main'} MainHeight difference (> 2.5 cm)
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoThreshold (< 2.5 cm)
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesHEIGHT:
{'label': 'Height', 'order': 2, 'value': 2.5} 2.5Entrance door
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Double leaf or with two opening elements'} Double leaf or with two opening elementsOPENING DIRECTION:
{'label': 'Opening direction', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Inside'} InsideAUTOMATED OPENING:
{'label': 'Automated opening', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoCLEAR DOOR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Clear door width', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Double leaf or with two opening elements'} Double leaf or with two opening elementsOVERALL OPENING (CM):
{'label': 'Overall opening (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 160} 160MAIN LEAF (CM):
{'label': 'Main leaf (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 78} 78FLUSHNESS OF DOOR LEAVES (NOT EVALUATED FOR HEIGHT DIFFERENCE UP TO 2.5 CM):
{'label': 'Flushness of door leaves (not evaluated for height difference up to 2.5 cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': 'Yes'} YesDOORMATS/RUGS:
{'label': 'Doormats/Rugs', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Recessed doormat'}, {'label': 'Type', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Compact'}]}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesTYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Recessed doormat'} Recessed doormatTYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Compact'} CompactINTERCOM/BELL:
{'label': 'Intercom/Bell', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoGlass doors: window stickers to indicate their presence
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesCOMMENTS:
{'label': 'Comments', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Small window sticker but the lower part is blind.'} Small window sticker but the lower part is blind.2.3/3
Room name
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Generic of the structure'} Generic of the structureIDENTIFIER:
{'label': 'Identifier', 'order': 2, 'value': 'V1'} V1Door
{'label': 'Access', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Independent from the outside'} Independent from the outsideDimensions
{'label': 'Rotation diameter 140 cm', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPREDOMINANT CLEAR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Predominant clear width', 'order': 3, 'value': '> 75 cm'} > 75 cmFlooring
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Tiles'} TilesColor contrast floors/walls
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesFLOOR COLOR:
{'label': 'Floor color', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Light wood'} Light woodWALL COLOR:
{'label': 'Wall color', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Reddish wood'} Reddish woodHeight difference (> 2.5 cm)
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoSignage
{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoTACTILE MAP:
{'label': 'Tactile map', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoINFORMATIVE SIGNAGE:
{'label': 'Informative signage', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoFurniture
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Height', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Double'}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Minimum height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 100}, {'label': 'Maximum height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 130}]}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Empty underneath', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}]}{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Height', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Double'}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Minimum height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 100}, {'label': 'Maximum height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 130}]}]}
{'label': 'Height', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Double'} Double{'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Minimum height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 100}, {'label': 'Maximum height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 130}]}MINIMUM HEIGHT FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Minimum height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 100} 100MAXIMUM HEIGHT FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Maximum height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 130} 130{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Empty underneath', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}EMPTY UNDERNEATH:
{'label': 'Empty underneath', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} No
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Support type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Corner legs'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Rectangular/Square'}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 65}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 65}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 79}]}]}, {'label': 'Clear space from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 66}, {'label': 'Table with rounded edges', 'order': 4, 'value': 'No'}]}
{'label': 'Support type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Corner legs'} Corner legs{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Rectangular/Square'}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 65}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 65}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 79}]}]}TABLE TYPE:
{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Rectangular/Square'} Rectangular/Square{'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 65}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 65}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 79}]}WIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 65} 65LENGTH (CM):
{'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 65} 65HEIGHT FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 79} 79CLEAR SPACE FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Clear space from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 66} 66TABLE WITH ROUNDED EDGES:
{'label': 'Table with rounded edges', 'order': 4, 'value': 'No'} No - {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Support type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Corner legs'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Rectangular/Square'}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 64}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 106}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 79}]}]}, {'label': 'Clear space from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 66}, {'label': 'Table with rounded edges', 'order': 4, 'value': 'No'}]}
{'label': 'Support type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Corner legs'} Corner legs{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Rectangular/Square'}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 64}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 106}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 79}]}]}TABLE TYPE:
{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Rectangular/Square'} Rectangular/Square{'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 64}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 106}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 79}]}WIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 64} 64LENGTH (CM):
{'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 106} 106HEIGHT FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 79} 79CLEAR SPACE FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Clear space from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 66} 66TABLE WITH ROUNDED EDGES:
{'label': 'Table with rounded edges', 'order': 4, 'value': 'No'} No - {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Support type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Corner legs'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Round/Oval'}, {'label': '', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Diameter (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 100}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 79}]}]}, {'label': 'Clear space from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 66}, {'label': 'Table with rounded edges', 'order': 4, 'value': 'No'}]}
{'label': 'Support type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Corner legs'} Corner legs{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Round/Oval'}, {'label': '', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Diameter (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 100}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 79}]}]}TABLE TYPE:
{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Round/Oval'} Round/Oval{'label': '', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Diameter (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 100}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 79}]}DIAMETER (CM):
{'label': 'Diameter (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 100} 100HEIGHT FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 79} 79CLEAR SPACE FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Clear space from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 66} 66TABLE WITH ROUNDED EDGES:
{'label': 'Table with rounded edges', 'order': 4, 'value': 'No'} No
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Backrest'}, {'label': 'Notes', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Made of wood.'}, {'label': 'Fixed to the ground', 'order': 3, 'value': 'No'}]}{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Backrest'} Backrest
{'label': 'Notes', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Made of wood.'} Made of wood.FIXED TO THE GROUND:
{'label': 'Fixed to the ground', 'order': 3, 'value': 'No'} No
{'label': 'Number', 'order': 1, 'value': '0'} 0PROXIMITY TO:
{'label': 'Proximity to', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Other'} OtherAntibathroom
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesWIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 101} 101LENGTH (CM):
{'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 141} 141EXCLUSIVE WC ACCESS:
{'label': 'Exclusive WC access', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoANTIBATHROOM DOOR:
{'label': 'Antibathroom door', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Door type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Opening direction', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Outside'}]}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Clear door width', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf or sliding'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Measure (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 80}]}]}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesDOOR TYPE:
{'label': 'Door type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf'} Single leafOPENING DIRECTION:
{'label': 'Opening direction', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Outside'} OutsideCLEAR DOOR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Clear door width', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf or sliding'} Single leaf or slidingMEASURE (CM):
{'label': 'Measure (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 80} 80ACCESSIBLE ANTIBATHROOM SINK:
{'label': 'Accessible antibathroom sink', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type of sink', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Suspended'}]}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 82}, {'label': 'Free space in front (cm)', 'order': 4, 'value': 61}, {'label': '', 'order': 5, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type of faucet', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Small mixer'}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Mirror', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Type of mirror', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Fixed'}, {'label': 'Height of mirror from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 112}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Soap holder', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Height of soap holder (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 106}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 8, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Paper holder/Dryer', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Height of paper holder (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 130}]}, {'label': 'Grab bar', 'order': 9, 'value': 'No'}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesTYPE OF SINK:
{'label': 'Type of sink', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Suspended'} SuspendedHEIGHT FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 82} 82FREE SPACE IN FRONT (CM):
{'label': 'Free space in front (cm)', 'order': 4, 'value': 61} 61TYPE OF FAUCET:
{'label': 'Type of faucet', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Small mixer'} Small mixerMIRROR:
{'label': 'Mirror', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìTYPE OF MIRROR:
{'label': 'Type of mirror', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Fixed'} FixedHEIGHT OF MIRROR FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Height of mirror from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 112} 112SOAP HOLDER:
{'label': 'Soap holder', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìHEIGHT OF SOAP HOLDER (CM):
{'label': 'Height of soap holder (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 106} 106PAPER HOLDER/DRYER:
{'label': 'Paper holder/Dryer', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìHEIGHT OF PAPER HOLDER (CM):
{'label': 'Height of paper holder (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 130} 130GRAB BAR:
{'label': 'Grab bar', 'order': 9, 'value': 'No'} NoAccessible WC door
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesDOOR TYPE:
{'label': 'Door type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf'} Single leafOPENING DIRECTION:
{'label': 'Opening direction', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Inside'} InsideSIDE PANEL NEXT TO HANDLE (CM):
{'label': 'Side panel next to handle (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': '55'} 55CLEAR DOOR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Clear door width', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf or sliding'} Single leaf or slidingMEASURE (CM):
{'label': 'Measure (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 80} 80Accessible WC compartment
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 167} 167LENGTH (CM):
{'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 202} 202NOTE:
{'label': 'Note', 'order': 3, 'value': 'The value of 167cm refers to the maximum width where the WC is located.'} The value of 167cm refers to the maximum width where the WC is located.EASY ROTATION:
{'label': 'Easy rotation', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesUSEFUL MEASURES FOR ROTATION:
{'label': 'Useful measures for rotation', 'order': 3, 'value': ' 100'} 100FLOOR COLOR:
{'label': 'Floor color', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Gray with spots'} Gray with spotsWALL COLOR:
{'label': 'Wall color', 'order': 2, 'value': 'White'} WhiteEMERGENCY BELL:
{'label': 'Emergency bell', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoSHELF:
{'label': 'Shelf', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìHEIGHT FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 100} 100COAT HOOK:
{'label': 'Coat hook', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìHEIGHT FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 173} 173WC bowl
{'label': 'Type of WC bowl', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Floor-mounted'} Floor-mountedWITH FRONT HOLE:
{'label': 'With front hole', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoHEIGHT FROM THE GROUND WITHOUT SEAT COVER (CM):
{'label': 'Height from the ground without seat cover (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 41} 41DISTANCE FROM BACK WALL (CM):
{'label': 'Distance from back wall (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 68} 68BACK SUPPORT:
{'label': 'Back support', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesTYPE OF SUPPORT:
{'label': 'Type of support', 'order': 2, 'value': 'External tank'} External tankFREE SPACE FROM AXIS:
{'label': 'Free space from axis', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Right side'} Right sideCM:
{'label': 'cm', 'order': 2, 'value': 125} 125ONLY FRONTAL APPROACH:
{'label': 'Only frontal approach', 'order': 6, 'value': 'No'} NoGRAB BAR:
{'label': 'Grab bar', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoFLUSH BUTTON:
{'label': 'Flush button', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Accessible'} AccessibleHAND SHOWER:
{'label': 'Hand shower', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoAccessible WC sink
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesTYPE OF SINK:
{'label': 'Type of sink', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Suspended'} SuspendedHEIGHT FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 85} 85FREE SPACE IN FRONT (CM):
{'label': 'Free space in front (cm)', 'order': 4, 'value': 145} 145TYPE OF FAUCET:
{'label': 'Type of faucet', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Small mixer'} Small mixerMIRROR:
{'label': 'Mirror', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìTYPE OF MIRROR:
{'label': 'Type of mirror', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Fixed'} FixedHEIGHT OF MIRROR FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Height of mirror from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 131} 131SOAP HOLDER:
{'label': 'Soap holder', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìHEIGHT OF SOAP HOLDER (CM):
{'label': 'Height of soap holder (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 101} 101PAPER HOLDER/DRYER:
{'label': 'Paper holder/Dryer', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìHEIGHT OF PAPER HOLDER (CM):
{'label': 'Height of paper holder (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 116} 116NOTE:
{'label': 'Note', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Vertical hand dryer.'} Vertical hand dryer.GRAB BAR:
{'label': 'Grab bar', 'order': 9, 'value': 'No'} NoShower
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoTactile map with indications of the arrangement of sanitary facilities
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoCourtesy aids available upon request (shower chair, toilet riser, ...)
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoEmergency safety: doors with a mechanism that allows opening from the outside even if closed from the inside
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesEmergency safety: emergency light
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesCOMMENTS:
{'label': 'Comments', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Both.'} Both.2.7/3
Purpose of the area
{'label': 'Area type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Consumption'} ConsumptionType
Access to the area
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'From the main door already described'} From the main door already describedHeight difference (> 2.5 cm)
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoPavement
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Concrete/Asphalt or flush stone'} Concrete/Asphalt or flush stoneDimensions
{'label': 'Rotation diameter 140 cm', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPREDOMINANT CLEAR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Predominant clear width', 'order': 2, 'value': '> 75 cm'} > 75 cmFurniture
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Support type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Corner legs'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Rectangular/Square'}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 80}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 160}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 75}]}]}, {'label': 'Clear space from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 72}, {'label': 'Table with rounded edges', 'order': 4, 'value': 'No'}]}
{'label': 'Support type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Corner legs'} Corner legs{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Rectangular/Square'}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 80}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 160}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 75}]}]}TABLE TYPE:
{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Rectangular/Square'} Rectangular/Square{'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 80}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 160}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 75}]}WIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 80} 80LENGTH (CM):
{'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 160} 160HEIGHT FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 75} 75CLEAR SPACE FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Clear space from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 72} 72TABLE WITH ROUNDED EDGES:
{'label': 'Table with rounded edges', 'order': 4, 'value': 'No'} No - {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Support type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Central pin'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Rectangular/Square'}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 70}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 70}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 72}]}]}, {'label': 'Clear space from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 71}, {'label': 'Table with rounded edges', 'order': 4, 'value': 'No'}]}
{'label': 'Support type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Central pin'} Central pin{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Rectangular/Square'}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 70}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 70}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 72}]}]}TABLE TYPE:
{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Rectangular/Square'} Rectangular/Square{'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 70}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 70}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 72}]}WIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 70} 70LENGTH (CM):
{'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 70} 70HEIGHT FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 72} 72CLEAR SPACE FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Clear space from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 71} 71TABLE WITH ROUNDED EDGES:
{'label': 'Table with rounded edges', 'order': 4, 'value': 'No'} No - {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Support type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Corner legs'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Rectangular/Square'}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 90}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 200}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 75}]}]}, {'label': 'Clear space from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 62}, {'label': 'Table with rounded edges', 'order': 4, 'value': 'No'}]}
{'label': 'Support type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Corner legs'} Corner legs{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Rectangular/Square'}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 90}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 200}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 75}]}]}TABLE TYPE:
{'label': 'Table type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Rectangular/Square'} Rectangular/Square{'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 90}, {'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 200}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 75}]}WIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 90} 90LENGTH (CM):
{'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 200} 200HEIGHT FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 75} 75CLEAR SPACE FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Clear space from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 62} 62TABLE WITH ROUNDED EDGES:
{'label': 'Table with rounded edges', 'order': 4, 'value': 'No'} No
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Backrest'}, {'label': 'Notes', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Made of steel and wood.'}, {'label': 'Fixed to the ground', 'order': 3, 'value': 'No'}]}{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Backrest'} Backrest
{'label': 'Notes', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Made of steel and wood.'} Made of steel and wood.FIXED TO THE GROUND:
{'label': 'Fixed to the ground', 'order': 3, 'value': 'No'} No