ApartHotel Holiday
1.9 /3
Via Silvio Pellico, 6 Grado (Gorizia)
The structure is divided into several apartments located on the first and second floors, accessible via a staircase or an elevator, which has a width of less than 80 cm. The elevator leads directly to the apartments located on the upper floors. The reception, however, is at the top of a short flight of stairs and is therefore not accessible for people with mobility disabilities. From the reception, the staircase connects the different levels. Both the staircase and the elevator, on the ground floor, are located under a covered area and are protected. Each room has a restroom that is not suitable for people with disabilities: they all have dimensions that are not adequate for easy maneuvering, a lack of aids, and especially non-accessible showers: the one in apartment no. 6 has a clear door opening of 40 cm, a step of 18 cm, and dimensions smaller than 80 x 80. The owner is aware of the needs of people with disabilities and informs us that over time she has hosted several people with mild or partial physical disabilities. Each apartment also has a small terrace, which is situated at a level lower than the inside of the apartment (about 15 cm lower). The structure does not have private parking.
Entrance type
{'label': 'Accessible', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoTYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Main'} MainHeight difference (> 2.5 cm)
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesHEIGHT DIFFERENCE:
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Short staircase/Step'}, {'label': 'Unique code', 'order': 2, 'value': 'SB1'}, {'label': 'Short staircase/Step (less than one floor)', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 180}, {'label': 'Number of steps', 'order': 2, 'value': 5}, {'label': 'Height of single step (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 16}, {'label': 'Handrail', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Two sides'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'}]}]}]}, {'label': 'Intermediate landing', 'order': 6, 'value': 'No'}, {'label': '', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}]}]}
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Short staircase/Step'} Short staircase/StepUNIQUE CODE:
{'label': 'Unique code', 'order': 2, 'value': 'SB1'} SB1SHORT STAIRCASE/STEP (LESS THAN ONE FLOOR):
{'label': 'Short staircase/Step (less than one floor)', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 180}, {'label': 'Number of steps', 'order': 2, 'value': 5}, {'label': 'Height of single step (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 16}, {'label': 'Handrail', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Two sides'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'}]}]}]}, {'label': 'Intermediate landing', 'order': 6, 'value': 'No'}, {'label': '', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}]}WIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 180} 180NUMBER OF STEPS:
{'label': 'Number of steps', 'order': 2, 'value': 5} 5HEIGHT OF SINGLE STEP (CM):
{'label': 'Height of single step (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 16} 16HANDRAIL:
{'label': 'Handrail', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Two sides'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'}]}]}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} Yes{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Two sides'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'}]}]}TYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Two sides'} Two sides{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'}]}COLOR CONTRAST:
{'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìINTERMEDIATE LANDING:
{'label': 'Intermediate landing', 'order': 6, 'value': 'No'} No{'label': '', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}TACTILE-PLANTAR PATHS:
{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} No
Threshold (< 2.5 cm)
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No/Flush'} No/FlushEntrance door
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Double leaf or with two opening elements'} Double leaf or with two opening elementsOPENING DIRECTION:
{'label': 'Opening direction', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Inside'} InsideAUTOMATED OPENING:
{'label': 'Automated opening', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoCLEAR DOOR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Clear door width', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Double leaf or with two opening elements'} Double leaf or with two opening elementsOVERALL OPENING (CM):
{'label': 'Overall opening (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 160} 160MAIN LEAF (CM):
{'label': 'Main leaf (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 80} 80FLUSHNESS OF DOOR LEAVES (NOT EVALUATED FOR HEIGHT DIFFERENCES UP TO 2.5 CM):
{'label': 'Flushness of door leaves (not evaluated for height differences up to 2.5 cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': 'Yes'} YesDOORMATS/RUGS:
{'label': 'Doormats/Rugs', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Flat doormat'}, {'label': 'Type', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Compact'}]}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesTYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Flat doormat'} Flat doormatTYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Compact'} CompactINTERCOM/BELL:
{'label': 'Intercom/Bell', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Height (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 142}, {'label': 'Location', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Next to the entrance door, not accessible'}]}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesHEIGHT (CM):
{'label': 'Height (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 142} 142LOCATION:
{'label': 'Location', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Next to the entrance door, not accessible'} Next to the entrance door, not accessibleGlass doors: window stickers to indicate their presence
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesGeneral note
Room name
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Reception: reception/ticket office'} Reception: reception/ticket officeIDENTIFIER:
{'label': 'Identifier', 'order': 2, 'value': 'V1'} V1Door
{'label': 'Access', 'order': 1, 'value': 'None'} NoneDimensions
{'label': 'Rotation diameter 140 cm', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPREDOMINANT FREE WIDTH:
{'label': 'Predominant free width', 'order': 3, 'value': '> 75 cm'} > 75 cmNARROWING (CM):
{'label': 'Narrowing (cm)', 'order': 4, 'value': 140} 140Flooring
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Laminate'} LaminateColor contrast floors/walls
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesFLOOR COLOR:
{'label': 'Floor color', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Wood '} WoodWALL COLOR:
{'label': 'Wall color', 'order': 2, 'value': 'White'} WhiteHeight difference (> 2.5 cm)
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoSignage
{'label': 'Tactile-plantar paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoTACTILE MAP:
{'label': 'Tactile map', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoINFORMATIVE SIGNAGE:
{'label': 'Informative signage', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìFurnishings
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Height', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single'}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 105}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Empty underneath', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}]}{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Height', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single'}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 105}]}
{'label': 'Height', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single'} SingleHEIGHT FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 105} 105{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Empty underneath', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}EMPTY UNDERNEATH:
{'label': 'Empty underneath', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} No
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Backrest'}]}]}
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} Yes{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Backrest'}]}{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Backrest'} Backrest
General note
{'label': 'Path identifier', 'order': 1, 'value': 'C1'} C1FROM:
{'label': 'From', 'order': 1, 'value': 'External area'} External areaTO:
{'label': 'To', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Accessible room/accommodation'} Accessible room/accommodationType of path
Characteristics of internal path
{'label': 'Dimensions', 'order': 1, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Predominant clear width', 'order': 1, 'value': '> 75 cm'}, {'label': 'Narrowing (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 140}]}PREDOMINANT CLEAR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Predominant clear width', 'order': 1, 'value': '> 75 cm'} > 75 cmNARROWING (CM):
{'label': 'Narrowing (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 140} 140PAVEMENT:
{'label': 'Pavement', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Laminate'}]}TYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Laminate'} LaminateCOLOR CONTRAST FLOORS/WALLS:
{'label': 'Color contrast floors/walls', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Floor color', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Light wood'}, {'label': 'Wall color', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Cream'}]}]}FLOOR COLOR:
{'label': 'Floor color', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Light wood'} Light woodWALL COLOR:
{'label': 'Wall color', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Cream'} CreamSIGNAGE:
{'label': 'Signage', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile map', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Informative signage', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'}]}]}TACTILE PATHS:
{'label': 'Tactile paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoTACTILE MAP:
{'label': 'Tactile map', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoINFORMATIVE SIGNAGE:
{'label': 'Informative signage', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìHEIGHT DIFFERENCE (> 2.5 CM):
{'label': 'Height difference (> 2.5 cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': 'Height difference', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Long staircase'}, {'label': 'Unique code', 'order': 2, 'value': 'SL1'}, {'label': 'Long staircase (more than one floor)', 'order': 5, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 115}, {'label': 'Handrail', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'One side'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'}]}]}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}]}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Elevator/Platform lift in closed shaft'}, {'label': 'Unique code', 'order': 2, 'value': 'AS1'}, {'label': 'Elevator/Platform lift in closed shaft', 'order': 9, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Door type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sliding'}, {'label': 'Clear door width (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 75}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Space in front of door 140x140 min', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}]}, {'label': 'Cabin dimensions', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Door side (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 125}, {'label': 'Blind side (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 77}]}, {'label': 'External button panel', 'order': 5, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Average height (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 115}, {'label': 'Braille', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Relief', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 4, 'value': 'Sì'}]}, {'label': 'Internal button panel', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Average height (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 132}, {'label': 'Braille', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Relief', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 4, 'value': 'Sì'}]}, {'label': 'Acoustic notifier', 'order': 7, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Emergency camera', 'order': 8, 'value': 'No'}]}]}], 'type': 'list'}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesHEIGHT DIFFERENCE:
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Long staircase'}, {'label': 'Unique code', 'order': 2, 'value': 'SL1'}, {'label': 'Long staircase (more than one floor)', 'order': 5, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 115}, {'label': 'Handrail', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'One side'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'}]}]}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}]}]}
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Long staircase'} Long staircaseUNIQUE CODE:
{'label': 'Unique code', 'order': 2, 'value': 'SL1'} SL1LONG STAIRCASE (MORE THAN ONE FLOOR):
{'label': 'Long staircase (more than one floor)', 'order': 5, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 115}, {'label': 'Handrail', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'One side'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'}]}]}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}]}WIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 115} 115HANDRAIL:
{'label': 'Handrail', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'One side'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'}]}]}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} Yes{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'One side'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'}]}]}TYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'One side'} One side{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'}]}COLOR CONTRAST:
{'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} Sì{'label': '', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}TACTILE PATHS:
{'label': 'Tactile paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} No - {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Elevator/Platform lift in closed shaft'}, {'label': 'Unique code', 'order': 2, 'value': 'AS1'}, {'label': 'Elevator/Platform lift in closed shaft', 'order': 9, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Door type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sliding'}, {'label': 'Clear door width (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 75}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Space in front of door 140x140 min', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}]}, {'label': 'Cabin dimensions', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Door side (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 125}, {'label': 'Blind side (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 77}]}, {'label': 'External button panel', 'order': 5, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Average height (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 115}, {'label': 'Braille', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Relief', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 4, 'value': 'Sì'}]}, {'label': 'Internal button panel', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Average height (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 132}, {'label': 'Braille', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Relief', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 4, 'value': 'Sì'}]}, {'label': 'Acoustic notifier', 'order': 7, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Emergency camera', 'order': 8, 'value': 'No'}]}]}
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Elevator/Platform lift in closed shaft'} Elevator/Platform lift in closed shaftUNIQUE CODE:
{'label': 'Unique code', 'order': 2, 'value': 'AS1'} AS1ELEVATOR/PLATFORM LIFT IN CLOSED SHAFT:
{'label': 'Elevator/Platform lift in closed shaft', 'order': 9, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Door type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sliding'}, {'label': 'Clear door width (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 75}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Space in front of door 140x140 min', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}]}, {'label': 'Cabin dimensions', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Door side (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 125}, {'label': 'Blind side (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 77}]}, {'label': 'External button panel', 'order': 5, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Average height (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 115}, {'label': 'Braille', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Relief', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 4, 'value': 'Sì'}]}, {'label': 'Internal button panel', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Average height (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 132}, {'label': 'Braille', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Relief', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 4, 'value': 'Sì'}]}, {'label': 'Acoustic notifier', 'order': 7, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Emergency camera', 'order': 8, 'value': 'No'}]}DOOR TYPE:
{'label': 'Door type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sliding'} SlidingCLEAR DOOR WIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Clear door width (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 75} 75{'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Space in front of door 140x140 min', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}]}SPACE IN FRONT OF DOOR 140X140 MIN:
{'label': 'Space in front of door 140x140 min', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesCABIN DIMENSIONS:
{'label': 'Cabin dimensions', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Door side (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 125}, {'label': 'Blind side (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 77}]}DOOR SIDE (CM):
{'label': 'Door side (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 125} 125BLIND SIDE (CM):
{'label': 'Blind side (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 77} 77EXTERNAL BUTTON PANEL:
{'label': 'External button panel', 'order': 5, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Average height (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 115}, {'label': 'Braille', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Relief', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 4, 'value': 'Sì'}]}AVERAGE HEIGHT (CM):
{'label': 'Average height (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 115} 115BRAILLE:
{'label': 'Braille', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sì'} SìRELIEF:
{'label': 'Relief', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Sì'} SìCOLOR CONTRAST:
{'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 4, 'value': 'Sì'} SìINTERNAL BUTTON PANEL:
{'label': 'Internal button panel', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Average height (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 132}, {'label': 'Braille', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Relief', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Sì'}, {'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 4, 'value': 'Sì'}]}AVERAGE HEIGHT (CM):
{'label': 'Average height (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 132} 132BRAILLE:
{'label': 'Braille', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sì'} SìRELIEF:
{'label': 'Relief', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Sì'} SìCOLOR CONTRAST:
{'label': 'Color contrast', 'order': 4, 'value': 'Sì'} SìACOUSTIC NOTIFIER:
{'label': 'Acoustic notifier', 'order': 7, 'value': 'Sì'} SìEMERGENCY CAMERA:
{'label': 'Emergency camera', 'order': 8, 'value': 'No'} No
Characteristics of external path
{'label': 'Dimensions', 'order': 1, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Predominant clear width', 'order': 1, 'value': '> 90 cm'}]}, {'label': 'Narrowing (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 105}]}PREDOMINANT CLEAR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Predominant clear width', 'order': 1, 'value': '> 90 cm'} > 90 cmNARROWING (CM):
{'label': 'Narrowing (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 105} 105PAVEMENT:
{'label': 'Pavement', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Concrete/Asphalt or flush stone'}]}TYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Concrete/Asphalt or flush stone'} Concrete/Asphalt or flush stoneCOVERAGE:
{'label': 'Coverage', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìSIGNAGE:
{'label': 'Signage', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tactile paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}, {'label': '', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Informative signage', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}]}TACTILE PATHS:
{'label': 'Tactile paths', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoINFORMATIVE SIGNAGE:
{'label': 'Informative signage', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoHEIGHT DIFFERENCE (> 2.5 CM):
{'label': 'Height difference (> 2.5 cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoGlass doors: window stickers to indicate their presence
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoCOMMENTS:
{'label': 'Comments', 'order': 3, 'value': 'In front of the elevator on the ground floor'} In front of the elevator on the ground floorCommon areas: absence of furniture with protruding bodies from the base up to a height of 210 cm
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoPresence of tactile informative map of the paths and available services
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesSafety in case of emergency in common areas: presence of acoustic alarm
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesSafety in case of emergency in common areas: presence of visual alarm
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesSafety in case of emergency in common areas: emergency lighting, visual signage of escape routes, map related to the evacuation route
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesGeneral note
Reception staff: knowledge of the main needs of people with different disabilities
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesReception staff: approachable and open to meeting customer needs
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesInformation on essential medical assistance: pharmacies, hospitals, health facilities nearby
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesCOMMENTS:
{'label': 'Comments', 'order': 3, 'value': 'There is a nearby pharmacy open only from June to September'} There is a nearby pharmacy open only from June to SeptemberInformation on the degree of accessibility of tourist places and facilities nearby
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesEarly check-in and late check-out: upon request
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesCOMMENTS:
{'label': 'Comments', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Depends on availability'} Depends on availabilityBreakfast with customizable menu for specific needs (diets for celiacs, diabetics, vegetarians/vegans, food intolerances, etc.): upon request
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoGuide dog for blind people: access and stay allowed
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesReception open 24 hours
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoCOMMENTS:
{'label': 'Comments', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Hours 8:00 - 18:00 in season'} Hours 8:00 - 18:00 in seasonReception: luggage delivery to the room
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesCOMMENTS:
{'label': 'Comments', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Depends on staff availability'} Depends on staff availabilityLuggage storage upon request
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesCOMMENTS:
{'label': 'Comments', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Only valuable items'} Only valuable itemsStaff able to communicate in LIS
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoWebsite of the facility with a page dedicated to accessibility details for everyone
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoShuttle service available upon request
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoCOMMENTS:
{'label': 'Comments', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Staff is available to contact taxi services'} Staff is available to contact taxi servicesShuttle service available upon request equipped for transporting wheelchair users
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoNearby services: proximity to sports facilities
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoCOMMENTS:
{'label': 'Comments', 'order': 3, 'value': 'There is mini-golf, park with calisthenics'} There is mini-golf, park with calisthenicsNearby services: proximity to museums and places of cultural interest
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesNearby services: proximity to natural resources (beach, lake, nature trails, etc.)
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesNearby services: proximity to commercial activities
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesCOMMENTS:
{'label': 'Comments', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Restaurants, pizzerias, and supermarket (the latter open all year round)'} Restaurants, pizzerias, and supermarket (the latter open all year round)Medical assistance available
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoCOMMENTS:
{'label': 'Comments', 'order': 3, 'value': 'There is a medical guard in the center'} There is a medical guard in the centerAvailability of refrigerator for storing medicines and other needs
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesFirst aid kit, defibrillator, and trained staff for use
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesCOMMENTS:
{'label': 'Comments', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Without defibrillator'} Without defibrillatorCourtesy aids available upon request (wheelchair, walker, lift, hospital bed, water mattress, ...)
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoBreakfast: table service or room service upon request
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoRestaurant room: menu in Braille and/or enlarged characters
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoRestaurant room: use of contrasting tablecloths and dishes
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoInformative materials: presence of prints for visually impaired (sans-serif font like Verdana or Arial, text body at least 16, non-reflective and high thickness, maximum contrast like black/white between text and background)
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoInformative materials, use of audio support
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoAvailability of independent but communicating rooms
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoInformative signage: signs indicating the main common services and showing the direction to reach them, with simplified indication through images
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesCOMMENTS:
{'label': 'Comments', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Sheets with color contrast'} Sheets with color contrastInformative signage: sign indicating the level reached by elevator
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoPLURILOCALE: STUDIO APARTMENT NO. 06
Entrance type
{'label': 'Accessible', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesTYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Main'} MainHeight difference (> 2.5 cm)
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoThreshold (< 2.5 cm)
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No/Flush'} No/FlushEntrance door
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf'} Single leafOPENING DIRECTION:
{'label': 'Opening direction', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Inside'} InsideAUTOMATED OPENING:
{'label': 'Automated opening', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoCLEAR DOOR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Clear door width', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf or sliding'} Single leaf or slidingMEASUREMENT (CM):
{'label': 'Measurement (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 80} 80PLANARITY OF DOOR FRONT AND BACK (NOT EVALUATED FOR HEIGHT DIFFERENCE UP TO 2.5 CM):
{'label': 'Planarity of door front and back (not evaluated for height difference up to 2.5 cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': 'Yes'} YesDOORMATS/RUGS:
{'label': 'Doormats/Rugs', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoINTERCOM/BELL:
{'label': 'Intercom/Bell', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoDoor unlocking
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Card'} CardHEIGHT (CM):
{'label': 'Height (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 104} 104Electrical system unlocking
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'With card'} With cardHEIGHT (CM):
{'label': 'Height (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 137} 137-/3
General note
{'label': 'Door type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Double-leaf or with two opening elements'} Double-leaf or with two opening elementsOPENING DIRECTION:
{'label': 'Opening direction', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Inside'} InsideCLEAR DOOR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Clear door width', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Double-leaf or with two opening elements'} Double-leaf or with two opening elementsOVERALL OPENING (CM):
{'label': 'Overall opening (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 62} 62MAIN LEAF (CM):
{'label': 'Main leaf (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 135} 135THRESHOLD/HEIGHT DIFFERENCE DUE TO THE FRAME:
{'label': 'Threshold/Height difference due to the frame', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesHEIGHT (CM):
{'label': 'Height (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 9} 9WIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 650} 650LENGTH (CM):
{'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 650} 650PARAPET HEIGHT (CM):
{'label': 'Parapet height (cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': 100} 100POSSIBILITY TO SEE THE OUTSIDE WHILE SEATED:
{'label': 'Possibility to see the outside while seated', 'order': 6, 'value': 'Sì'} SìGeneral note
Room/accommodation door
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoHallway
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoRoom (without hallway)
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Double'} DoubleWIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 422} 422LENGTH (CM):
{'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 466} 466ROTATION DIAMETER 140 CM:
{'label': 'Rotation diameter 140 cm', 'order': 4, 'value': 'No'} NoFLOORING:
{'label': 'Flooring', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Laminate'} LaminateCHROMATIC CONTRAST FLOORS/WALLS:
{'label': 'Chromatic contrast floors/walls', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesFLOOR COLOR:
{'label': 'Floor color', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Light wood'} Light woodWALL COLOR:
{'label': 'Wall color', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Light blue'} Light blueOPENABLE WINDOW:
{'label': 'Openable window', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìHANDLE HEIGHT (CM):
{'label': 'Handle height (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 109} 109WINDOW SHADING:
{'label': 'Window shading', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Shutter, Curtain'} Shutter, CurtainSHADING AUTOMATION:
{'label': 'Shading automation', 'order': 9, 'value': 'No'} NoAIR CONDITIONING:
{'label': 'Air conditioning', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìHEATING:
{'label': 'Heating', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìSOUNDPROOF ROOM:
{'label': 'Soundproof room', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoBed
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': '2 joined pax'}, {'label': 'Height with mattress (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 56}, {'label': 'Free lateral space on the right (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 160}, {'label': 'Free lateral space on the left (cm)', 'order': 4, 'value': 144}, {'label': 'Free space at the end (cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': 226}]}
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': '2 joined pax'} 2 joined paxHEIGHT WITH MATTRESS (CM):
{'label': 'Height with mattress (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 56} 56FREE LATERAL SPACE ON THE RIGHT (CM):
{'label': 'Free lateral space on the right (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 160} 160FREE LATERAL SPACE ON THE LEFT (CM):
{'label': 'Free lateral space on the left (cm)', 'order': 4, 'value': 144} 144FREE SPACE AT THE END (CM):
{'label': 'Free space at the end (cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': 226} 226
Room furnishings
{'label': 'Table/Desk', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìFREE HEIGHT UNDERNEATH (CM):
{'label': 'Free height underneath (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 67} 67WIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 77} 77LENGTH (CM):
{'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 4, 'value': 77} 77LUGGAGE RACK:
{'label': 'Luggage rack', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoWARDROBE:
{'label': 'Wardrobe', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Swing door'}, {'label': 'Details', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': 'Shelves/Low drawers'}], 'type': 'list'}]}TYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Swing door'} Swing doorDETAILS:
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': 'Shelves/Low drawers'} Shelves/Low drawers
General note
Room/accommodation number in relief and contrasting color and/or in braille
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesGlass doors: window stickers to indicate their presence
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoRefrigerator
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesAbsence of furniture with protruding bodies from the base up to a height of 210 cm
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesTactile map in the room/accommodation with braille and enlarged character indications of useful information for the stay
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoSafety in case of emergency: doors with a mechanism that allows opening from the outside even if closed from the inside
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesSafety in case of emergency: location of the room/accommodation near an exit route or calm space (static safe place)
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesSafety in case of emergency: presence of acoustic alarm
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoSafety in case of emergency: presence of visual and/or vibrating alarm
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoSafety in case of emergency: emergency light
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoPLURILOCALE: APARTMENT NO. 02
Entrance type
{'label': 'Accessible', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesTYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Main'} MainHeight difference (> 2.5 cm)
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoThreshold (< 2.5 cm)
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No/Flush'} No/FlushEntrance door
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf'} Single leafOPENING DIRECTION:
{'label': 'Opening direction', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Inside'} InsideAUTOMATED OPENING:
{'label': 'Automated opening', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoCLEAR DOOR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Clear door width', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf or sliding'} Single leaf or slidingMEASUREMENT (CM):
{'label': 'Measurement (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 80} 80FLUSHNESS OF DOOR FRONT AND BACK (NOT EVALUATED FOR HEIGHT DIFFERENCE UP TO 2.5 CM):
{'label': 'Flushness of door front and back (not evaluated for height difference up to 2.5 cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': 'Yes'} YesDOORMATS/RUGS:
{'label': 'Doormats/Rugs', 'order': 6, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoINTERCOM/BELL:
{'label': 'Intercom/Bell', 'order': 7, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoDoor unlocking
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Card'} CardHEIGHT (CM):
{'label': 'Height (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 102} 102Electrical system unlocking
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'With card'} With cardHEIGHT (CM):
{'label': 'Height (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 140} 1403/3
{'label': 'Access', 'order': 1, 'value': 'From internal common areas'} From internal common areasDOOR TYPE:
{'label': 'Door type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf'} Single leafOPENING DIRECTION:
{'label': 'Opening direction', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Inside'} InsideCLEAR DOOR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Clear door width', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf or sliding'} Single leaf or slidingMEASUREMENT (CM):
{'label': 'Measurement (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 80} 80Dimensions
{'label': 'Rotation diameter 140 cm', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPREDOMINANT CLEAR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Predominant clear width', 'order': 3, 'value': '> 75 cm'} > 75 cmNARROWING (CM):
{'label': 'Narrowing (cm)', 'order': 4, 'value': 100} 100Flooring
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Laminate'} LaminateColor contrast floors/walls
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesFLOOR COLOR:
{'label': 'Floor color', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Light wood'} Light woodWALL COLOR:
{'label': 'Wall color', 'order': 2, 'value': 'White'} WhiteHeight difference (> 2.5 cm)
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoFurnishings
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Backrest, Armrests'}, {'label': 'Notes', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sofa'}]}]}
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} Yes{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Backrest, Armrests'}, {'label': 'Notes', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sofa'}]}{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Backrest, Armrests'} Backrest, ArmrestsNOTES:
{'label': 'Notes', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Sofa'} Sofa
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Support type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Corner legs'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tabletop type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Round/Oval'}, {'label': '', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Diameter (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 115}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 78}]}]}, {'label': 'Clear space from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 64}, {'label': 'Table with rounded edges', 'order': 4, 'value': 'Sì'}]}
{'label': 'Support type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Corner legs'} Corner legs{'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Tabletop type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Round/Oval'}, {'label': '', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Diameter (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 115}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 78}]}]}TABLETOP TYPE:
{'label': 'Tabletop type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Round/Oval'} Round/Oval{'label': '', 'order': 4, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Diameter (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 115}, {'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 78}]}DIAMETER (CM):
{'label': 'Diameter (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 115} 115HEIGHT FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Height from the ground (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 78} 78CLEAR SPACE FROM THE GROUND (CM):
{'label': 'Clear space from the ground (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 64} 64TABLE WITH ROUNDED EDGES:
{'label': 'Table with rounded edges', 'order': 4, 'value': 'Sì'} Sì
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Backrest'}, {'label': 'Fixed to the ground', 'order': 3, 'value': 'No'}]}{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Backrest'} Backrest
{'label': 'Fixed to the ground', 'order': 3, 'value': 'No'} No
General note
Type of path
Characteristics of internal path
{'label': 'Dimensions', 'order': 1, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Main free width', 'order': 1, 'value': '> 75 cm'}, {'label': 'Narrowing (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 110}]}MAIN FREE WIDTH:
{'label': 'Main free width', 'order': 1, 'value': '> 75 cm'} > 75 cmNARROWING (CM):
{'label': 'Narrowing (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 110} 110FLOORING:
{'label': 'Flooring', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Laminate'}]}TYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Laminate'} LaminateCOLOR CONTRAST FLOORS/WALLS:
{'label': 'Color contrast floors/walls', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'}, {'label': '', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Floor color', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Light wood'}, {'label': 'Wall color', 'order': 2, 'value': 'White'}]}]}FLOOR COLOR:
{'label': 'Floor color', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Light wood'} Light woodWALL COLOR:
{'label': 'Wall color', 'order': 2, 'value': 'White'} WhiteHEIGHT DIFFERENCE (> 2.5 CM):
{'label': 'Height difference (> 2.5 cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'}]}PRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} No1.0/3
{'label': 'Number', 'order': 1, 'value': '1'} 1PROXIMITY TO:
{'label': 'Proximity to', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Other'} OtherAntibathroom
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoAccessible WC door
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesDOOR TYPE:
{'label': 'Door type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf'} Single leafOPENING DIRECTION:
{'label': 'Opening direction', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Outward'} OutwardCLEAR DOOR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Clear door width', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf or sliding'} Single leaf or slidingMEASURE (CM):
{'label': 'Measure (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 65} 65Accessible WC compartment
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 140} 140LENGTH (CM):
{'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 193} 193EASY ROTATION:
{'label': 'Easy rotation', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoCHROMATIC CONTRAST FLOORS/WALLS:
{'label': 'Chromatic contrast floors/walls', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoFLOOR COLOR:
{'label': 'Floor color', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Light blue'} Light blueWALL COLOR:
{'label': 'Wall color', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Light blue'} Light blueEMERGENCY BELL:
{'label': 'Emergency bell', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoSHELF:
{'label': 'Shelf', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoCOAT HOOK:
{'label': 'Coat hook', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoWC bowl
{'label': 'Type of WC bowl', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Suspended'} SuspendedWITH FRONT HOLE:
{'label': 'With front hole', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoHEIGHT FROM THE FLOOR WITHOUT SEAT COVER (CM):
{'label': 'Height from the floor without seat cover (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 46} 46DISTANCE FROM REAR WALL (CM):
{'label': 'Distance from rear wall (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 51} 51BACK SUPPORT:
{'label': 'Back support', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesTYPE OF SUPPORT:
{'label': 'Type of support', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Rear wall'} Rear wallONLY FRONTAL APPROACH:
{'label': 'Only frontal approach', 'order': 6, 'value': 'No'} NoGRAB BAR:
{'label': 'Grab bar', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoFLUSH BUTTON:
{'label': 'Flush button', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Accessible'} AccessibleHAND SHOWER:
{'label': 'Hand shower', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoAccessible WC sink
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesTYPE OF SINK:
{'label': 'Type of sink', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Suspended'} SuspendedHEIGHT FROM THE FLOOR (CM):
{'label': 'Height from the floor (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 79} 79FREE SPACE IN FRONT (CM):
{'label': 'Free space in front (cm)', 'order': 4, 'value': 95} 95TYPE OF FAUCET:
{'label': 'Type of faucet', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Small mixer'} Small mixerMIRROR:
{'label': 'Mirror', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìTYPE OF MIRROR:
{'label': 'Type of mirror', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Fixed'} FixedHEIGHT OF MIRROR FROM THE FLOOR (CM):
{'label': 'Height of mirror from the floor (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 135} 135SOAP HOLDER:
{'label': 'Soap holder', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìHEIGHT OF SOAP HOLDER (CM):
{'label': 'Height of soap holder (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 118} 118PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER:
{'label': 'Paper towel dispenser', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìHEIGHT OF PAPER HOLDER (CM):
{'label': 'Height of paper holder (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 98} 98GRAB BAR:
{'label': 'Grab bar', 'order': 9, 'value': 'No'} NoShower
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesWIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 75} 75LENGTH (CM):
{'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 75} 75NOTE:
{'label': 'Note', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Semi-circle _ wedge'} Semi-circle _ wedgeTYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Raised tray'} Raised trayTRAY HEIGHT (CM):
{'label': 'Tray height (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 17} 17SEAT:
{'label': 'Seat', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Mobile shower chair'} Mobile shower chairSHOWER FAUCET - HEIGHT FROM THE FLOOR (CM):
{'label': 'Shower faucet - height from the floor (cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': 121} 121SHOWER HEAD TYPE:
{'label': 'Shower head type', 'order': 6, 'value': 'Handheld'} HandheldSHOWER DOOR MOBILE PART CLOSURE:
{'label': 'Shower door mobile part closure', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sliding'} SlidingCLEAR ENTRANCE WIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Clear entrance width (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 40} 40GRAB BAR:
{'label': 'Grab bar', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìTactile map with indications of the arrangement of sanitary facilities
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} NoCourtesy aids available upon request (shower chair, toilet riser, ...)
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesCOMMENTS:
{'label': 'Comments', 'order': 3, 'value': 'Shower chair'} Shower chairEmergency safety: doors with a mechanism that allows opening from the outside even if closed from the inside
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Yes'} YesEmergency safety: emergency light
{'label': 'Relevant', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìPRESENT:
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 2, 'value': 'No'} No2.7/3
Room/accommodation door
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesDOOR TYPE:
{'label': 'Door type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf'} Single leafOPENING DIRECTION:
{'label': 'Opening direction', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Inside'} InsideCLEAR DOOR WIDTH:
{'label': 'Clear door width', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Single leaf or sliding'} Single leaf or slidingMEASUREMENT (CM):
{'label': 'Measurement (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 80} 80Hallway
{'label': 'Present', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoRoom (without hallway)
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Other'} OtherOTHER:
{'label': 'Other', 'order': 2, 'value': 'Triple'} TripleWIDTH (CM):
{'label': 'Width (cm)', 'order': 1, 'value': 336} 336LENGTH (CM):
{'label': 'Length (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 483} 483ROTATION DIAMETER 140 CM:
{'label': 'Rotation diameter 140 cm', 'order': 4, 'value': 'Sì'} SìFLOORING:
{'label': 'Flooring', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Laminate'} LaminateCOLOR CONTRAST FLOORS/WALLS:
{'label': 'Color contrast floors/walls', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Yes'} YesFLOOR COLOR:
{'label': 'Floor color', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Light wood '} Light woodWALL COLOR:
{'label': 'Wall color', 'order': 2, 'value': 'White'} WhiteOPENABLE WINDOW:
{'label': 'Openable window', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìHANDLE HEIGHT (CM):
{'label': 'Handle height (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 107} 107WINDOW SHADING:
{'label': 'Window shading', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Shutter, Curtain'} Shutter, CurtainSHADING AUTOMATION:
{'label': 'Shading automation', 'order': 9, 'value': 'No'} NoAIR CONDITIONING:
{'label': 'Air conditioning', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìHEATING:
{'label': 'Heating', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Sì'} SìSOUNDPROOF ROOM:
{'label': 'Soundproof room', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoBed
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': '2 combined pax'}, {'label': 'Height with mattress (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 54}, {'label': 'Free lateral space on the right (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 85}, {'label': 'Free lateral space on the left (cm)', 'order': 4, 'value': 147}, {'label': 'Free space at the end (cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': 83}]}
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': '2 combined pax'} 2 combined paxHEIGHT WITH MATTRESS (CM):
{'label': 'Height with mattress (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 54} 54FREE LATERAL SPACE ON THE RIGHT (CM):
{'label': 'Free lateral space on the right (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 85} 85FREE LATERAL SPACE ON THE LEFT (CM):
{'label': 'Free lateral space on the left (cm)', 'order': 4, 'value': 147} 147FREE SPACE AT THE END (CM):
{'label': 'Free space at the end (cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': 83} 83 - {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': '1 pax'}, {'label': 'Height with mattress (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 54}, {'label': 'Free lateral space on the right (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 85}, {'label': 'Free space at the end (cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': 125}]}
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': '1 pax'} 1 paxHEIGHT WITH MATTRESS (CM):
{'label': 'Height with mattress (cm)', 'order': 2, 'value': 54} 54FREE LATERAL SPACE ON THE RIGHT (CM):
{'label': 'Free lateral space on the right (cm)', 'order': 3, 'value': 85} 85FREE SPACE AT THE END (CM):
{'label': 'Free space at the end (cm)', 'order': 5, 'value': 125} 125
Room furnishings
{'label': 'Table/Desk', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoLUGGAGE RACK:
{'label': 'Luggage rack', 'order': 1, 'value': 'No'} NoWARDROBE:
{'label': 'Wardrobe', 'order': 3, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Hinged door'}, {'label': 'Details', 'order': 2, 'value': '', 'features': [{'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': 'Shelves/Low drawers'}], 'type': 'list'}]}TYPE:
{'label': 'Type', 'order': 1, 'value': 'Hinged door'} Hinged doorDETAILS:
- {'label': '', 'order': 0, 'value': 'Shelves/Low drawers'} Shelves/Low drawers